Friday, October 25, 2013

Where I Am Willing To Go -- 21 October 2013

This week has been an opportunity to use talents that I never expected on my mission. It turns out, I know quite a bit more about computers than... pretty much everyone in the office. So, I've been on call for the senior missionaries. That's been fun.

Two days ago, we were on our way home from an appointment, when we saw someone on the side of the road trying to fix his bike. So we pulled over and offered to help. We got it all put together and fixed up (thank you, dad) we asked him if he wanted to know more about who Jesus Christ is. He said, "Yeah, absolutely!" Pretty exciting. Probably the most successful contact I've ever had (that's not saying much up here, but you know... God consecrates the effort of the faithful). 

I honestly don't know what else to say this week...

Just know that God loves you. Believe in Him. Trust that He wants the best for you, he wants you to be the best you can be. Jeffery R. Holland said, "God doesn’t care nearly as much about where you have been as He does about where you are and, with His help, where you are willing to go."

Believe in Him. Trust Him. He isn't worried about where you've been. Where are you and are you willing to go where He wants you to go? Will you trust Him? I will. Always.

I hope I never forget the lessons that the Lord has taught me... I know it must be hard in regular life to hang on to the lessons that we learn every week. It must be so hard to put off the things of the world, and to live all the laws, from music, to movies, to being kind, to loving your neighbor, even to sharing the gospel... But I can only imagine the power that would be available to someone who chose to sanctify themselves to such a point, that they could follow all the spiritual promptings they received, regardless of their circumstances. Maybe someday I'll be that man that others can depend on to always be there. Maybe, I'll be someone that can lift, inspire, motivate, and glorify my Father everywhere I go. 

I know this Gospel is true. I love you all so much.

Rock on. Peace, Love, and Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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