Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hell Shaking and Obsession -- 30 July 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

I could just attach this picture and leave it there:

But I know you want more. A story at least. Well, I've got 2 for you.

This past week or 2 I've been struggling to attach myself to the work. I've felt this way because of how easy it's been. Pretty ironic, eh? The Lord has just blessed us so much and we've barely needed to work to be teaching often. It's completely different than it has ever been before. So, I haven't felt the need to work quite as hard, or be quite as diligent in my studies as I should be. Fortunately, the Lord is great at reminding us when things are going wrong. So, the next morning I read an amazing talk about "Creating Success." Which basically highlighted the principles of choosing your own destiny; how to set goals, what it means to "desire" something, the differences between those who are consecrated and those who are not, etc. After studying this talk for a large portion of my studies, I emerged victorious. Rather, not me, but Christ in me.

M. Russel Ballard describes desire as a "compulsion or obsession." When we are truly successful, we are driven by this desire, which is an "obsession," but not necessarily in an unhealthy way. We become so focused on what we want that we will do everything we can to find success in accomplishing it. We will plan, prepare, execute, and account with a personal emotional connection to each step. In effect we kick it into gear and we blast every ounce of energy we have into driving for the finishline. We will give it everything that we can, because we know we want it.

By the way, Alma teaches us that "[The Lord] granteth unto men according to their adesire"

So, are you hungry for it? Do you desire it? Or are you just going to sit back and watch as the world passes by? "Who will baptize next? Successful missions are for successful missionaries." The only limitations you have are the ones you choose to allow.

So, shortly following this wonderful study, we were called upon to teach our wonderful investigator, Brittany. And as we taught, I was prompted to share my favourite story from The Book of Mormon with her. Which is the story of Moroni, and the title of Liberty. I love that story because of who Moroni proves he is.

I don't know if any of you can imagine my teaching style. But, to give you an idea, I'm very enthusiastic. I'm all about sound effects and telling stories. In short, I am a lot like the seminary teachers I've had back home. A total gong show. As I tell this story, I'm extra excited, because I have such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ through it. It makes me feel as Paul does in his description to the Phillipians "13 I can do all things through aChrist which bstrengtheneth me."

So, while we taught Brittany, we read the following scriptures:

11 And Moroni was a astrong and a mighty man; he was a man of a perfect bunderstanding; yea, a man that did not delight in bloodshed; a man whose soul did joy in the liberty and the freedom of his country, and his brethren from bondage and slavery;

12 Yea, a man whose heart did swell with thanksgiving to his God, for the many privileges and blessings which he bestowed upon his people; a man who did labor exceedingly for the awelfare and safety of his people.

13 Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ, and he had asworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion, even to the loss of his blood...

 17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto aMoroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the bdevil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.
(italics added)

I love this story because it's a call to "fixed faithfulness"(as Jeffery R. Holland describes). It is a promise that if we would develop these charachter traits, that we will have the power to "shake hell." And we all know that I'm all about that. So, dear friends and wonderful family, if you have made it this far into my email, I'm calling you to battle. I challenge you to shake hell. I Invite you to live in utter defiance of he who would "[make] all men... hmiserable like unto himself." Root out the natural man. "...[become] a isaint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and [become] as a jchild, ksubmissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

I challenge you to stand with God, and to be like another Moroni who said: "and because of their bhatred [The Lamanites] cput to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ.

3 And I, Moroni, will not adeny the Christ."

I love you all so much. :D

Rock on. Peace. Love. and Temple Marriage.
In that order.


Elder Taylor "The Hell Shaker" Hill (self-proclaimed)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Repentance -- 23 July 2013

Well, this week has been incredible.

On Sunday, we had more non-members come to church and one of our investigators. In the meantime, remember the Ms from the beginning of my mission? Well, the sister missionaries who are serving out that way will be picking her up again. :D Our investigators continue to make stunning progress toward their Savior, and I am so happy. 

I've recently relearned the process of repentance. The thing that has really changed is the process of "rooting out" the bad, or the mistakes. It has been making me more positive, more kind, more hopeful, more positive. It is truly a miracle of the Atonement.

We've been working hard. Our phone never ceases to buzz as we constantly set up lessons, coordinate fellowshippers, and follow up with members, less-actives, and investigators. We can hardly keep up with the work that the Lord has for us to do. We just go from appointment to appointment, with hardly the time to study or to think. Miracles have truly been happening for us as we've sought to do the Lord's will. Ironically, I hope He continues to pile it up, even though it has been busy, we are not at full capacity either.

The truly amazing part of the business is it doesn't feel busy. We are busy doing the Lord's work, but as long as we are obedient, it always works out. Miracles continue to happen. We've been blessed to work with a lot of less-actives the past few weeks, and many have begun to come back to church.

Unfortunately, we've missed a lot of companionship studies the past week. We will improve on that and be focusing on the fundamental "Teach People, Not Lessons." If you're not improving, you're going backwards.

It has been amazing.

So, this one is for my missionary friends: Don't you dare lose hope in who you are or what you are capable of. We all came out on missions to do the work of God and to be the "phenomenon" or that one that would make all the difference. My friends, my message for you is to never ever give up on that dream. Do everything  you possibly can. Never give up. That dream is possible. You can make the difference one way or the other. I am far from perfect, nowhere near being that one missionary who has it all figured out, but I know that Jesus Christ wants me to be more than I am. I also know that if I use Him, I will be. Don't lose sight of who you are.

I love you all.

Rock on. Peace. Love. And Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

3 Minutes to Go and a Lot to Say -- 16 July 2013

Okay, we're going to fly.

6th Gear. I spoke in church on Sunday about the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was amazing, and, guess what, another non-member came to church! incredible. I know that the Gospel is true! Look at how the Lord has blessed us so richly.

Transfers are tomorrow and I am staying with Elder Atkinson and we are finally going to be in our own apartment!!!! yay! I've been sleeping on the floor all transfer, and I've come to love it. I'm so grateful for the floor and for blankets.... maybe I will continue that.

I know this Gospel is true. Wow. Jesus is the Christ. I love this work. I love being a missionary. Have a great week.

Love, Elder Taylor Hill!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mama's Notes -- 15 July 2013

Ch and Ca W grew up in the CH 5th ward.  I met Ca (I think she’s my youngest brother's age) when I worked here in the maintenance group.  Ch came later, but we work on the same floor/same department (she’s a temple interior designer). 

Those two ladies bought a home together, and they have another woman living with them named R.  When I got my current position, R took over the job I had been doing with the building manager.  She’s wonderful, too.

I had lunch with a group of ladies a couple of weeks ago, and R was among them.  She told me that her family was headed to Calgary for a family reunion and the Stampede.  I told her to keep her eyes open for a very handsome missionary while she was there.  Since it’s a big city, it was a long shot, but…

Sunday they went to her cousin’s (family) ward.  They had gone outside after the block and had decided to drive to the Calgary Temple, so she said, “Let me just run in and use the restroom before we go.”  So she goes back into the church, and as she’s walking down the hall, she passes a couple of missionaries.  She sees their nametags, stops, and says, “Elder Hill, is your mom Aundrea?”  His jaw drops, and he says, “How do you know my mom?!” 

So they talked for about 10 minutes.  He is serving in the YSA ward that meets in that building.  And he said, “You can take a picture, but it has to be a good one.  I want my mom to know that I’m happy.”  She said he told her several times, “Make sure my mom knows I’m happy.”

Here is the picture of R and Elder Hill together J  He looks wonderful and happy (and apparently, he IS wonderful and happy).

Once again, the world is very small, especially in the Church.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, Step Right Up! -- 8 July 2013

kkl;kjl;kjl;kj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj this is what I do when I don't know what to do. 

Well, here we are again, another beautiful P-Day! The rain outside is the perfect kind of rain and I'm ready to go puddle-hopping. :D

This week was a great week. We did a lot of service in conjunction with the flood relief. The Okotoks Elders have been especially busy with the projects because they are so close to high river. We spent 3 days mucking out basements, ripping out drywall, tearing up carpet, removing refrigerators, and comforting the afflicted. The latter is my favorite. The fridges are disgusting. You have no idea. They are toxic and should not be opened, but a few of them fell open... there are just some things I never wanted to see or smell in my life, and if you thought cleaning out a missionary refrigerator was disgusting, you don't know anything.... *shudder* You don't know where I been. 

Other than that, I attended my first Mission Leadership Council, which was amazing. So many spiritual giants in one room... I didn't know what to do with myself. Normally, I'm fairly talkative and have no problems expressing my opinions, but people were expressing my opinion before I could even get there, but it was amazing. 

Also, miracles. We went to Sacrament fasting (obviously) and seeking an investigator, long story short, there was one there... waiting to be taught by the missionaries :D Amazing! Look at the Lord running the work again!

Well, I love you all!

Have a great week.

Elder Taylor Hill

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Many thanks to Denise for sharing this fabulous clip.  Taylor is not from Lethbridge, but this give you an idea of what the Albertan missionaries have spent their time doing! (clip dated July 5, 2013)

Monday, July 1, 2013

What I Am Grateful For -- 1 July 2013

Well, this is another one of those weeks where I don't know what to say. I feel like I've preached the heck out of you and have been left without much to expound. Writing home is beginning to lose its savor because I feel like what I'm talking about doesn't have much relevance, then I realized that if I were home and one of my friends was emailing me, that I would still want to hear from him anyway. So here we are, and I'm just going to tell you what I am grateful for this week. 

This week, I am grateful for service. Saturday morning we got a call from the command centre requesting 10 missionaries to unload a truck that was coming with tons of supplies to assist in flood relief. The stipulation? It wasn't coming until 10 p.m. So, we called our mission president, and this is what I imagine he said(it may or may not have gone on a little longer than this, I can neither confirm nor deny), "The ox is in the mire, elders." Which roughly translates to, "Yes." 
So, the truck arrived at 10 p.m. and we went to unload it. Fortunately, our wonderful mission president had ordered extra missionaries be sent to help out, which was great, because there was a lot to be done. In the end there were 19 of us helping to unload a semi-truck in the middle  if the church parking lot. 
As for me, I put my dolphin-pools skills to work and handled the pallets inside the truck with the jack. There were 18 huge pallets, and I was pooped by the end, but it felt like victory. I was glad to be used and to have been able to use one of my few skills to help out. 
It has been amazing to see everyone coming together to help those in need. So, I am grateful for when the ox is in the mire, because it means the work of God is about to come forth. :D

I know this gospel is true. I love you all!

Floods -- 24 June 2013

NELSON, Robert David
March 5, 1972 - June 21, 2013
Robert David Nelson passed away in a tragic accident on June 21, 2013 at the age of 41 years. Rob is survived by his wife, Jennifer Anne (nee Deller), and six wonderful children: Taryn, Seth, Eton, Maysa, Asher, and Ellery - each of whom will miss their father greatly. Rob is also survived by his father - Steve, his mother - Laurel (Hughes), his older brother Rick, and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Rob was born and raised in Calgary in the southwest community of Glamorgan. He attended Glamorgan Elementary School, AE Cross Junior High School and Ernest Manning High School. He loved to camp, fish and hunt alongside his brother, dad and grandfather. This was a tradition that he has carried on with his own sons. During his school years, Rob was involved in any and all sports, but eventually settled on the triad of football, wrestling and rugby. He excelled at wrestling and was a member of the Alberta Amateur Wrestling Club, ranking fifth nationally. Lessons on the subtleties of wrestling techniques were a weekly occurrence in the living room with all of his children eagerly piling on top of him. Rob wore many hats when it came to settling into a career, including refrigeration mechanic with Chinook Refrigeration and insurance sales with Cooperators as well as State Farm. Rob soon discovered that he had many more talents he wanted to develop. He upgraded his education and graduated from University of Lethbridge with an International Management Degree and from Queen's University with a Law Degree. He initially worked at Gowlings in Calgary and then moved his family to Dubai to practice law – another family adventure which they all enjoyed. Upon returning to the City of Calgary, Rob worked at the law firms of Osler's, and then Bennett Jones. In the fall of 2012, Rob decided to quit the practice of law and pursue his ultimate dream of being a land developer. Within a few short months Rob had successfully negotiated and implemented several land development initiatives. Rob loved his family, his friends, and his faith. Rob was a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was sealed for all time and eternity to his wife Jennifer in the Mesa Arizona Temple on October 23, 1999. He loved to support the missionaries and the missionary work of the Church. Rob had the unique gift of making everyone he knew feel special and important, and he was a great communicator and negotiator, who strove for fairness and reasonableness in all of his personal and business dealings. Rob always wanted both sides of a contract to be winners, and as a result he was well respected by all those he dealt with. He loved to give service, not only to family and friends, but to his neighbours and community. Rob served as a volunteer director to the New Heights School and Learning Services for many years. Rob loved to make and eat great food at home, or to enjoy gourmet food at restaurants. He loved to cook for gatherings of family and friends as well as Church socials – his pig roasts were famous! All are invited to a Service to be held in Robert's honor on Saturday, June 29 at 11:00 a.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Foothills Stake Centre, 30 Everstone Boulevard S.W., Calgary, followed by Interment at the Okotoks, Alberta Cemetery. Messages of condolence may be forwarded to the family at www.piersons.ca. If friends desire memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Flood Relief (www.redcross.ca).