Monday, October 14, 2013

Finally Some Time... -- 12 October 2013

Our mission president, President N, is the busiest man that I have ever met, but what a wonderful man he is.

Transfers were this week, and I got to drive the 15 passenger van!!! Ole!!! It was good to be able to just focus on driving for a little while after the hectic schedule of the week. Unfortunately, immediately after transfer station 2 (there are 3 transfers that occur on transfer day, we pull everyone we can into central locations, and transport the missionaries in vans from A to B then back to A) chaos began to reign. We were supposed to be out of there between 1:30 and 2:00 to begin travel to the next transfer station. The cars got mixed up, travel arrangements were lost, keys were in the hands of people that shouldn't have had them, the luggage was missing as was the mail, and the list goes on and on.

Anyway, we didn't end up leaving until 3 o'clock.... Then, on our way up to Calgary, one of the tires for the trailer broke off. Didn't just come off, didn't just loosen up or flatten, it busted clean off. Bolts, nuts, tire, gone. Everyone made it safe, as did the luggage, it was just a mess :D. Hahaha 

After that, we went to the going home fireside. The missionaries going home all bore their testimonies, we watched the slide show, President N gave a brief talk about the importance of member missionary work, and then we closed with "Called to Serve" (oh, how I love that beautiful hymn). 

We gathered together and got all of the luggage weighed and put together, and we all slept at the mission home for those 13 missionaries' final night.

The next morning we went to the temple (HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW TEMPLE VIDEO!?!?!?!?!? I'M STILL A GEEKING OUT ABOUT IT!!!!), which was a very revealing experience, I learned so much. After that we took the missionaries to the airport (can anyone say, "Trunky"?) and dropped them off to head home to their families. 

After that, President told us to go get some lunch, then some rest. So, we got lunch.... and went to the office to send out some emails to the new missionaries, organize new templates, set up google docs, and finish out what we needed to get done for the day. We then went home and took a brief nap (which only really felt like blinking after such a long series of late nights, minimal studies, very early mornings, and a tough workout regimen) and then we were off again. We got home around 10:15 that evening and weren't in bed until around 11, because of all the phone calls we needed to return. 

We woke up early yesterday morning, actually got to do a small part of our studies, and then were off again. There was one more missionary to go home yesterday because of passport problems. We took him to the airport and then did some office work. Part 1 of our p day finally began. We picked up some food, did our laundry, and went shopping for warm clothes for the winter. 

After that we had an appointment with a new investigator. We were handing her off to the Sister missionaries, so, our 3 leg was there, along with the sisters (5 missionaries, 1 member, 1 investigator, and another random non-member... they didn't stand a chance). They asked us to teach just a small portion right at the end of the lesson, and they taught the rest. We ended up extending the baptismal date, which she accepted for the 26th of October. She probably won't be baptized until mid-November because of her work, but the fact that she accepted the date shows a good deal of her faith. 

I feel like everything that I've written has been one, very long, run-on sentence. But I know you wanted to know more about what I was doing.... so there you go. I'll include what I've learned this week in my regular weekly email. I love you!

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