Monday, July 1, 2013

What I Am Grateful For -- 1 July 2013

Well, this is another one of those weeks where I don't know what to say. I feel like I've preached the heck out of you and have been left without much to expound. Writing home is beginning to lose its savor because I feel like what I'm talking about doesn't have much relevance, then I realized that if I were home and one of my friends was emailing me, that I would still want to hear from him anyway. So here we are, and I'm just going to tell you what I am grateful for this week. 

This week, I am grateful for service. Saturday morning we got a call from the command centre requesting 10 missionaries to unload a truck that was coming with tons of supplies to assist in flood relief. The stipulation? It wasn't coming until 10 p.m. So, we called our mission president, and this is what I imagine he said(it may or may not have gone on a little longer than this, I can neither confirm nor deny), "The ox is in the mire, elders." Which roughly translates to, "Yes." 
So, the truck arrived at 10 p.m. and we went to unload it. Fortunately, our wonderful mission president had ordered extra missionaries be sent to help out, which was great, because there was a lot to be done. In the end there were 19 of us helping to unload a semi-truck in the middle  if the church parking lot. 
As for me, I put my dolphin-pools skills to work and handled the pallets inside the truck with the jack. There were 18 huge pallets, and I was pooped by the end, but it felt like victory. I was glad to be used and to have been able to use one of my few skills to help out. 
It has been amazing to see everyone coming together to help those in need. So, I am grateful for when the ox is in the mire, because it means the work of God is about to come forth. :D

I know this gospel is true. I love you all!

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