Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Repentance -- 23 July 2013

Well, this week has been incredible.

On Sunday, we had more non-members come to church and one of our investigators. In the meantime, remember the Ms from the beginning of my mission? Well, the sister missionaries who are serving out that way will be picking her up again. :D Our investigators continue to make stunning progress toward their Savior, and I am so happy. 

I've recently relearned the process of repentance. The thing that has really changed is the process of "rooting out" the bad, or the mistakes. It has been making me more positive, more kind, more hopeful, more positive. It is truly a miracle of the Atonement.

We've been working hard. Our phone never ceases to buzz as we constantly set up lessons, coordinate fellowshippers, and follow up with members, less-actives, and investigators. We can hardly keep up with the work that the Lord has for us to do. We just go from appointment to appointment, with hardly the time to study or to think. Miracles have truly been happening for us as we've sought to do the Lord's will. Ironically, I hope He continues to pile it up, even though it has been busy, we are not at full capacity either.

The truly amazing part of the business is it doesn't feel busy. We are busy doing the Lord's work, but as long as we are obedient, it always works out. Miracles continue to happen. We've been blessed to work with a lot of less-actives the past few weeks, and many have begun to come back to church.

Unfortunately, we've missed a lot of companionship studies the past week. We will improve on that and be focusing on the fundamental "Teach People, Not Lessons." If you're not improving, you're going backwards.

It has been amazing.

So, this one is for my missionary friends: Don't you dare lose hope in who you are or what you are capable of. We all came out on missions to do the work of God and to be the "phenomenon" or that one that would make all the difference. My friends, my message for you is to never ever give up on that dream. Do everything  you possibly can. Never give up. That dream is possible. You can make the difference one way or the other. I am far from perfect, nowhere near being that one missionary who has it all figured out, but I know that Jesus Christ wants me to be more than I am. I also know that if I use Him, I will be. Don't lose sight of who you are.

I love you all.

Rock on. Peace. Love. And Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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