Monday, February 25, 2013

"Take My Yoke Upon You..." -- 25 February 2013

Hello, dear everyone. The past few weeks since I've become a district leader and since I have begun training have been a challenge. I'm learning an awful lot about humility (my friends are breathing a sigh of relief right now :D) and about doing what the Lord wants (my mother is breathing a sigh of relief) instead of what I want.

My boy is a good boy, but it is safe to say that this is the hardest time on my mission so far.

Toward the beginning of my mission (look at me, talking like I've been out long enough to be able to say that) (crazy) I wrote my friend Renae Rowley about how a mission doesn't have to be hard if you will just do what the Lord wants you to do.

Now, let me tell you all the truth: Missions are easy for those who will willingly humble themselves and do as the Lord would have them do. Missions are easy for those who will teach and lead by example. Missions are easy for all those who understand their purpose.

By extension, life is also easy, when we trust in the Lord.

The real trick, then, is understanding how we can reach that point. Well, the savior answers that:

28 ¶aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest. 29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart: and ye shall find frest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is aeasy, and my burden is light.

 I often get caught up in the idea that I am alone. That I can't do this (my mom would wash my mouth out with soap). That I am not qualified. Guess what? Alone, I can't. The only way that this will be possible is if I live my life for the Lord. If I will take His yoke, His work, His cross upon me, then it will all work out for the best.

I think we all often forget that the Lord has "borne our griefs and carried our sorrows." We also forget that the easiest way to live our lives, is to just do what the Lord wants us to do, faithfully, believing that He will provide a way. This makes me think of a story my mom shared with me in a letter from when we were still little kids. Our family had a budget of only, like, $65 for a whole month of food. For six of us!!!!! We didn't have enough money to pay for it... but someone called and invited us over to pick as many peaches as we wanted. I THINK WE STILL HAVE PEACHES IN OUR BASEMENT FROM THAT PICK! Later, someone did the same for tomatoes. I thank my lucky stars to be blessed with parents who paid their tithing, because they gave all they were asked of by the Lord, they were able to take care of me. Who cares that I don't like peaches very much, I had enough. I was healthy, I was whole, I was loved. And I know now that it was the Lord who did that for my family. It is because of the Lord that I am here. It is because of Jesus Christ that I am even able to stand on the ground here in Canada and boldly proclaim the Gospel. For all things have been given me. Even though I am aware that really, we are nothing, but "we are everything to Him."(You Matter to Him - Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Who cares that the past few weeks have been rough? As soon as I figured out what I needed to change in order to align my will with His, it INSTANTLY became better.

My friends, to all who are experiencing trials, I promise you that if you will align your will with His, then you will find "peace in this life, and eternal life in the world to come." I promise the Lord knows you. I promise that He will make your burden light if you will turn to Him. Give him your all. Give it up. Give up your addictions, your temptations, your sorrow, your sin, your imperfections, all of it. Give it up. You will find rest through Jesus Christ.

I know that the Lord is there. I know that He is watching. I know that there are times when we want to shake our fists to the sky and ask "How could you do this to me?"

But, like before, all I can still say is, "Thank you, Mister Gardener. For loving me enough to cut me down."

Finally, I was blessed this weekend to perform a baptism for my friend Loreen.

That commission has changed my life.

I will forever be different. I will forever be grateful.

I love this gospel.

I love you all.

Peace(available through Christ), love(of God), and temple marriage (my parents example to me). In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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