Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome to the big white world of Canada -- 14 January 2013

Elder S is posing with S, M's little girl with cystic fibrosis (try saying that five times fast... or spelling it...). We were all playing with stuffed animals when we went over to set up a lesson. We laughed and had a good time and now we have an appointment, yay!

We were playing a board game on Christmas with the members called "Quelf." Basically, you roll a die, land on a space, draw a card according to what space you land on, and then you do what the card says. It's HILARIOUS. I highly recommend it for parties, pranks, and pachangas. (Mom and Dad... hint)

Okay, this week was a little rough. We were working hard, but our numbers have certainly declined. Fortunately, it's not about the numbers, it's about the people.  That said: We've been working with a less active by the name of NJ. He is the MAN. He has had a pretty rough go at life, but he served his mission in Raleigh, North Carolina (shout out) and he is trying his absolute best to become a better man. Anyway, we visited him last night, and he told us that because of his mission, he will never be able to deny that the gospel is true. That's why he has chosen to become active. Guess what?  He is now teaching the gospel principles class and is no longer drinking coffee.

Point #1: Your mission (full time, family, part time, or otherwise) gave (and will continue to give) you a knowledge of what was true. Don't ever deny it & always live it.

We have a few missionaries in our district who we may have caught sleeping in.... until like noon. They are both going home in about 3 months, which makes it even more sad. To turn back the table of time, the First Presidency message from (I think) March of 2012 talked about us always being in the middle of our missions. We should never, ever think that since we're almost done, or since we are done with our missions that missionary work stops. It never stops. Two quotes from Elder Holland (I love this guy): "You never check your religion at the door. Not ever." "That commission was to have changed you for forever."

Friends and family, please... please don't ever shut the door on this gospel. I know it's true. From the very bottom of my heart I know it is true. Don't turn back. Don't leave. If you have left or are thinking of leaving, please give the Lord a chance. Let Him work His miracles in your life, and I promise you that you will find success in ways that you never dreamed possible.

 Point #2: The priesthood is real.

Miracles happen every day. It's true. Don't believe me? Well, check this out:

When I was set apart as a missionary, the Lord blessed me with "opportunities to bless others lives through the priesthood that I bear." Provided I live faithful. I was blessed to see a small fulfillment of that promise a few days ago. Brother T (a sweet guy from Elder P's side of town [Brooklyn.... maybe]) called us and said he needed us over as soon as possible. We went over immediately following a lesson we had at six, arriving around six forty-five. He told us his three year old boy (T) had had a fever for 3 days and the hospital wouldn't admit him until at least day 4. He asked us to help him in giving a blessing to T. I had the opportunity to anoint and brother T blessed his boy with a beautiful word from the Lord. In the blessing he promised health, swift recovery, and a full night of rest to prepare him for the nights ahead. We left shortly following the blessing, standing a little taller because of the faith we had witnessed. The next day, we learned that T's fever had broken that evening, and he was able to sleep through the night. Then, the hospital was able to tell them that T had an ear and throat infection. He is now being treated and is on his way to a quick recovery.  

The priesthood works! The Lord is ready to bless us through his gospel if we will only live righteously and ASK. What if Brother T hadn't been worthy to give a blessing through the priesthood? What if he hadn't used his priesthood at all? I can't say for sure what would have happened, but certainly our faith could not have grown and T could not have had the blessings that we're available to him through the priesthood. 

#3: Equally if not more important than the priesthood is Motherhood

Sheri Dew says: "As mothers in Israel, we are the Lord’s secret weapon. Our influence comes from a divine endowment that has been in place from the beginning. In the premortal world, when our Father described our role, I wonder if we didn’t stand in wide-eyed wonder that He would bless us with a sacred trust so central to His plan and that He would endow us with gifts so vital to the loving and leading of His children. I wonder if we shouted for joy 12 at least in part because of the ennobling stature He gave us in His kingdom. The world won’t tell you that, but the Spirit will."

So, all things said, there are a few shout outs here:

1. To my momma, who is, in my eyes, the best mother on earth. Thank you for your love and for excercising your faith so that our family could be as amazing as it is.

2. To my dad, who has always used his priesthood faithfully. Without him, I don't know where I would be.

3. To everyone who is currently serving a mission, or is considering serving a mission, learn to understand and use your priesthood faithfully so that you can experience the gospel in its fullness. Thank you for all you have already done, and will continue to do.

I love you all soooooooo much.

Rock on. Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order. :D

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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