Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas is on its way... -- 10 December 2012

This past week has been full of good times. My companion and I have begun playing "Would you rather..." between doors. It's been fun.

Did I tell you there's a ping pong table where I live? Every night Elder C plays Brother H. Elder C has lost every time.

I've been spending 30 minutes of my lunch time practicing the piano. I'm starting to get to the point that I can play the simpler hymns without having to slow down too much. I'd like to be hymn-proficient before I hit my year mark (it could happen).

Still working on getting JACKED. Dad, that workout you sent me is kicking my butt. I'm not limber at all, so it's been tough; no worries though, I'll get there. I've started stretching every morning, post-workout.

Anyway, enough of the temporal stuff.

Remember M?
She's agnostic....
*not ringing a bell..."
She has a five year old daughter.
*oh! M!*
Well, we had an appointment with her last night, and had plans to teach her lesson 1. Well, we got there and as we were pulling up, two people came out of her house screaming. They both got in to seperate cars and tore off into the night. Shortly thereafter we got a text that said something like, "I don't think we should meet tonight, guys. I'm in a pretty bad mood." To which we responded, "Sorry to hear that. We're here, do you want to talk about it?" She then invited us in, and we learned a little bit about her family.

Her mother and father were the two people that had made the dramatic exit. They were acting very maturely that night and were angry because she was meeting with us. She told us some of their opinions on mormonism and after some discussion, the subject was changed, and we focused mostly on just getting her in a better mood. (the member there was SOOOOOOO good) We managed to do so, and by then we only had enough time to share a scripture and pray. (awww.... man)

Later that evening we received a text from M that went something like, "Hey, can I ask you guys a question?" to which we responded, "Of course." She then asked, "Is it true that if I get baptized, I can't see my family anymore?"

Now, for all who are familiar with Preach My Gospel, you know that that is in no way true. Chapter 3 Lesson 1 section 2, "The Gospel Blesses Families..." I feel like that says it all. We started to respond when we got another text describing the following, "My mom told me that she new a lady whose son joined the church, went on a mission, came back a totally different person, and would no longer talk to the family." Darn RM's are always getting in the way.

We quickly and simply explained that the family is ordained of God and is the most important social unit in time and eternity. We taught her that, if anything, the gospel should bring her family closer together. She responded kindly and gratefully, saying something like, "Crazy mormon myths."

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please always remember to stand as a positive witness for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The reason some people won't look into the church is because they have heard RUMORS about what mormons are like. Stand tall as a witness of God, "Stead fast and immovable, always abounding in good works" and I promise that your example will change someone's life. I know that's true.

I love you all with all of my heart and I hope all is going well in this beautiful, wonderful Christmas season.

Talk to you next week,

Elder Hill.

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