Tuesday, December 4, 2012

August... September... October.... November... December---I'm in my fifth month.... -- 3 December 2012

For those of you who know me well, you are aware of the following:

CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!!!!!!! (You should have seen that one coming; now you're blindsided and you don't know what to do.  Let me help--read on.)

Once upon a time, there was an agnostic person we were teaching,
because she seemed like she needed a little bit of love.
We stopped by, once, twice, thrice,
and there seemed to be help from above.
We spoke peace, truth, and light
(even though it was dark and looked like night),
and now she begins to understand
that the Lord's work is at hand!

Cheap poetry, but it gets the point accross, eh? M needed a little bit of extra light, so we just stopped by a few times and spoke on her doorstep (since we can't have an actual visit without another man present). We were able to talk and laugh and testify.

Anywho, this morning, she texted us, and said she had read all of the things we assigned her to read, and she wanted to know what we wanted her to read next. She said, "I'm only doing this because I like you guys... and I don't understand how all of you Mormons are always so happy. Maybe there is something about your religion that is different from the others." We took that opportunity to testify of the truth and divinity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and of the reality of a living God. We told her to (just as she had previously read) be willing to EXPERIMENT upon the word. She agreed to keep reading and we have another appointment set up with her. Oh! The first time we taught her, her little girl, S (cutest little chicka ever! Next to K, of course) wanted to read a story with us, and I promised her that I would personally sit with her (of course not in my lap, that's against the rules!!!! being around kids is kinda scary on missions, they're unpredictable!) and read her a story if she would listen quietly to what we were teaching her mom. So she did, and I read her her favorite story (took approx 10 minutes). (It was a Barbie story, by the way.)

So, about a week later when we stopped by to see how they were and set up an appointment, M related the following:

"The other day S and I were going to her school when she said, 'You know who's really nice, Mom?'
I replied, 'No, S, who?'
'The Mormons!' she said excitedly, 'He even read me a story, mom!'
I laughed and laughed and then asked, 'S, does that mean you want to go to the Mormon's church?'
(remember this is Melanie relating this story, not me)

There is a scripture in 1st Timothy (4:12) that teaches a sweet principle:  "...but be thou an bexample of the believers, in word, in cconversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in dpurity." (Also see PMG CH 9: pg168 "Go About Doing Good")

Neither M nor S yet know of the truthfulness of the restored gospel; however, both M and S recognize a difference between regular people and LDS people. Why? Because they have stood as examples of believers! This Gospel is true.

In other news, Dad asked about the northern lights. To those who didn't know, I have seen the northern lights a few (4) times since I've been in Canada. In clear nights they are visible, especially when you aren't in Calgary, where there is a lot of light pollution. They are gorgeous! The ones I've seen have been mostly a deep, rich lime green color. They are beautiful. Canada is gorgeous! I'm fairly close to the border. Well, the US border and the Sasketchewan border (I think I spelled that right....), so I can now say I've been in 2 provinces.

A general authority visited our mission and taught us about finding, marriage, and a few other things. I learned that (1) tracting is a waste of our time, (2) L. Tom Perry was married 6 (yes, six) days (yes... days) after he got home from his mission, and that (3) the most important thing we can be doing as missionaries is setting a pattern of willing obedience so that we can keep the same spirit when we get home.

He said, "We decide how close we are to God, not the other way around." Translation, if you want to have the same spirit that you had (or that your children have, or your siblings have, etc.) on your mission all you need to do is live that kind of life. Wake up early. Go to bed early. Study your scriptures for an hour a day. Dress modestly. Attend Church. Constantly seek to improve your teaching, learning, and application skills. Love God more than you love your matress. Love having His spirit more than you love being lazy. (goes back to "The First Great Commandment" [Holland... and Jesus], eh?) And if you will do those things, you will be blessed with that same spirit. That same light. You will be protected from the fiery darts of (he-who-must-not-be-named).  (that guy's a jerk)

Translation 2, you decide who you are. That includes activity in the church, general happiness, how close you are to your family, loyalty, freedom from addiction, spirituality, humility, patience, anger, charity, and regrets. (see "Of Regrets and Resolutions" Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

I feel pretty passionately about that last one.  My dad has tried to teach it to me my entire life and I'm just figuring it out. Be smarter than me: Figure it out now.

Goodness this Gospel is true.

Challenge time: Find someone every day this month that you can be of service to, and then help them. Whether they are members or not, even if it is just caroling, or baking cookies, or helping them unload their groceries. Make this Christmas extra special because of the good works you do!

I promise that as you stand as examples--- "as witnesses of Christ, at all times in all things and in all places"---that you will see a measureable difference in how happy YOU are. The spirit will help you to love Christmas like you've never loved before, and like the Grinch, you will see that Christmas comes with out "...ribbons! It [comes] without tags! It [comes] without packages, boxes, or bags!" I promise that when you think, feel, and then act, until your thinkers feelers and hands are sore, you will also realize that, "Perhaps, Christmas doesn't come from a store." Your heart will be enlarged by six sizes (see Alma 32)(and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" [scripture, right?]) and your soul will be at peace. You will be happier beyond your ability to imagine.

This Gospel is true! Jesus is the Christ. Our Father knows us all personally and He watches over us. He will move Heaven and earth to see you safely in His arms, so long as you will walk the straight and narrow path toward Him. He loves you.

Merry Christmas to all. :D

Elder Taylor Jon Hill

Post-Script: I know I throw down a lot on living righteously. I want you to know that I only include all of these things in my letters because I love each and every one of you and I want you to be able to learn as much as I'm learning now. I want you to know that this gospel is true. It can and will change you if you choose to allow it to do so. I love you, I love you, I love you!

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