Monday, March 24, 2014

Transfer Week... -- 21 March 2014

...and I'm no longer AP.
I know, weird right? Or at least, by the time this transfer is finished I won't be. 
I've been pondering a lot lately. Just about life, the family, the mission, the work. I suppose it's strange to be transitioning from this position to another again... I suppose you become so much a part of the things that you are asked to do that it becomes difficult to change, but as I've been indexing my mission in my mind I've found that those have been the times of greatest growth. I think of the power of change....

So many people are terrified of change. I was with the Sister missionaries that serve in our ward the other day and one of them was expressing just how much she hates transfers. To be honest, I've felt the same way... sometimes for different reasons than her, but how can you blame her for fearing the unknown? Truthfully, as I've been an assistant I've realized the power of transfers, and the gratitude I've had for each and every single one of them. Also, the only regrets that I've had regarding transfers have been caused by my own pride, imperfection, and stubborn attitudes toward them. Thus proving to me that my personal growth is a personal choice, a choice I make every day the moment I wake up. I think we are all the authors of our own destiny, ultimately. God's power and wisdom and plan is frankly so infinite and so perfect that we have to choose to succeed, just as we have to choose to fail. 

That is the reality of my whole mission, that this life is a series of choices. Choices that affect our destiny, our attitude, our hopes, and our personal peace and righteousness. And the atonement of Jesus Christ is the motivating factor for all the positive, the power by which we are enabled to obtain it all, and the means by which we overcome the effects of our poor choices. We are limited by our choices, or we are set free by them. Thus we begin to see and understand that our decisions to break God's laws stop us from reaching Him not because he doesn't love us enough to look past them, but because if we would never choose to follow him, we would never choose to be with him. Decisions to keep his laws give us ultimate freedom, freedom in relationships with others, power to be an influence in the lives of those we choose to love, and liberty to begin to liberate ourselves from the captivity of our sins which keep us from reaching fully to him---all, again, by the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

So what have I learned as assistant? I've learned that we are simply assigned to these positions to foster our own personal growth---all in God's confidence that you won't get in His way of making happen what He needs to have happen. It's an assignment of sacred trust. To minister, to believe, to administer, and to choose to stand personally taller, and to be better than you have ever been before. It is an opportunity to choose to follow Him more closely, to put off the Natural Man and become a saint through the Lord Jesus Christ... and it will all happen according to your attitude toward it, toward others, and toward Him. 

In the meantime we'll be having a baptism next Saturday. I believe I will be transferred to Creston, BC. It is in the bottom lefthand corner of our mission and is almost the farthest away from the mission home I'll be... probably. And you know what? I'm ready. I'm ready for change. I'm ready for growth. I'm ready to just give it all up and put everything that I've learned for the past 20 months into effect... I'm ready to feel the hand of my Savior urging me forward toward those who need our help. I hope He will fill me... and in the same breath I hope I will be hungry. More hungry than I've ever been for Him and His work and His word. I pray He will make me feel so uncomfortable that I will turn to him in every moment, and that my faith will be strong enough to press forward through it all. I hope he will guide my work and my tongue. I want to be used, to give my all, and to never look back wondering if I was able to give it my all. 

This was a long email and I've just gone nuts in it, but what I know is nevertheless true. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That I have been called to Serve Him. My Heavenly King of Glory. Chosen Heir to Witness for His name. Far and Wide I tell my Father's Story, and Far and Wide His love I proclaim.

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is restored. Joseph Smith was his chosen prophet in the latter days. Speaking of which:
Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. aCourage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! 

I love you all. Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order!
Elder Taylor J. Hill

Canada Calgary Mission

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