Monday, June 10, 2013

YSA -- 10 June 2013

I have been made a Zone Leader in the Foothills zone. It's been interesting. Very interesting, but not bad. :D I love my new companion. He is from Mesa, Arizona and he is a lot of fun to be around. He and I get along very well. We are also on a three leg with the Mandarin missionary in the zone. He spends a lot more time with other members of our District than he does with us, but you need to do wha tyou need to do to invite others to come unto Christ, hey?

So, I'm living in South West Calgary in a pretty cool apartment. It's exciting times :D It's a total mess, just like all of the apartments I've gone in to, but it will be cleaned up before the end of today. It's been good.

The ward I cover is YSA and is called the Spruce Meadows Ward. So far the members are hilarious, and I'm very grateful to be serving. Because of all the returned missionaries, everyone really knows why they need to do missionary work, but nobody really understands how it can be accomplished. Fortunately, that happens to be my specialty. I've officially decided that my role as a missionary is to pave the path for the ward to be self sustaining in missionary work. That's what I was doing in Okotoks, Medicine Hat (especially toward the end), and it's what I'm going to do here, so that, in the future, other missionaries can baptize the people that each of the members prepare.

My teaching has been improving since I've gotten here. I've had to be really technically correct and focus hard on the fundamentals as I've been working with people who have served missions and who are preparing to serve missions.

I love leadership. Not because I like being a leader, because I really don't like the firing line or the microscope. I really like it because it makes me stretch. I love that the Lord loves me enough to take me out of my comfort zone and allows me to grow and expand beyond my capabilities. I love to look back at the growth I've experienced so far on my mission. God is a genius.

Well, you've guessed it, I've been moved into YSA. :D

Yesterday, the bishop called me up from the stand and had me give a 10 minute talk without letting me know beforehand. It was sweet. :D Very exciting.

In the meantime, as you are all aware, we've been working on gaining member trust and getting wards to be self sufficient in missionary work. It's been great. I love working with members.

This is one of those times when I really just don't know exactly what it is I need to be writing about.

I love you all. You know that? I feel like sometimes when I write home, the things that I say tend to be a little bold and quite spiritually based. A lot of people email me and ask what I'm doing, and how I'm doing, and these emails all seem to be about the spiritual things. The truth is, I do that because I love it. I love my mission. More than anything. I love teaching, I love helping, I love hoping, and I love learning. I really love sharing that love with others. After all, that's why I'm here. That's why we're all here. To show the Lord whether or not we love Him. That's the test, right? Just turning to him? I just love you all so much. I hope you know that.

Maybe the shortest email ever, I just don't know what else to say.

The miracles this week were many. We had an activity fall through and we didn't know what to do, so we got down on our knees and prayed. A name popped in to our minds. N. We need to see N.

So, we got in the truck and went over to N's place. we shared a message of self-worth, hope, and divine potential. We talked about life, hope, help, and happiness. We invited him to church and he came. The truth is, the Lord knows His people. I hope these miracles never seem any smaller to me. It would be a terrible day to realize that I hadn't seen any miracles. We see them all the time. We see so much good. It builds our faith and helps us to be better than we really ever dreamed. Miracles happen every day. In my life and yours.

God is good.

Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order!

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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