Friday, November 16, 2012

Om nom nom. -- 13 November 2012

Well, my 12 weeks are up. Training is over. I'm going South. That's all I know.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've decided I really love Calgary South Zone, but I know the Lord will have me where He needs me, because I will go where He wants me to go.

This morning I was studying the importance of prayer. It's something I haven't been as good at as I should have been. I mean, I pray, it's just been tough to make them personal. Anyway, I've searched and will one day have to share with you what I've found. In the meantime, just check out this:

Elder C. and I have been getting along great! I found someone who loves LOTR more than me! (never saw that one coming) He's a great Daddy.

Oh, last week I messed up my left thumb on p-day. We went to the doctor (why on earth have I been messed up so much?) and Dr. Low says I tore something in my thumb and that I can't play sports for 4-6 weeks. >= | ask me how I feel about that. Gar.

We've been teaching the B's a lot and they've been progressing nicely. Brother B. set his own date and she's well on her way. They have a little girl named C. (9) who has a crush on Elder C. (hilarious).

M's are out of town.

S's are very close... unfortunately, I'm not going to teach them again, so there will be a lot of prayers on their behalf.

We've dropped 4 investigators this week.  It's kind of sad, but we believe that they'll make it someday.

It hit -17 C on Sunday. It was Cold. Really really cold.

Speaking of cold, my brain is just kinda *kaput* today. I don't know what to say. When in doubt, bear your testimony.

I have been very blessed by the Lord over the course of the past 3 and a half months. I know that He knows who I am. I know that by revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Master. He has chosen me to represent Him, "to stand in his place, to say and do what He Himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me." I know that I am a Son of God and that through Him all things are possible. I love my Father. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and my Redeemer. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God who restored the original gospel and church back to the earth. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet today and that he receives divine revelation on our behalf on a daily basis.

I love you all. Have a wonderful week. I still need pictures from all of you! I love you I love you I love you!

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