It's still winter in Canada! Shocking, eh? There was a big storm that was brewing last night. Our mission President had us go home, because it was pretty ugly to be driving around in. That said, it is still snowing but is a much better condition.
When I came to Canada, a lot of people said that Alberta was "The Utah of Canada," which is something that I completely agree with. The weather really isn't all that different. It still snows at the drop of a hat, and is fluctuating all the time. The difference is whenever the snow would come around in Utah, I would immediately be either curled up with hot cocoa and a book or driving or playing in it.... or singing... but you would be surprised at the things that don't change :D (I might drink Canada dry of hot cocoa... and I still sing).
I just received my Valentine's Day package and I just wanted to say thank you soooooo much for everyone who included their love. :D We don't get mail very often, but when it comes it is just such a comfort and a strength. Whenever I hear from home or from my friends it reminds me of my purpose and of my love for what I am doing. It has been and continues to be a strength :D I love you all thank you so much.
Well, training has taken an upward turn. As has being district leader. I discovered this week that if you are having problems with a companion, just get it figured out, be willing to compromise and do your best to make the Lord your first priority and it will all work out okay. I think it takes me about a week and a half to three weeks to get used to any companion, and I think if I will just prepare myself (decide in advance) to love them, it will make life a lot easier (look at that, he's growing up!).
Elder Stanley and I have been getting along well and have witnessed several miracles this week in finding people. In our mission we try to avoid tracting as a cop out. If we do it, we plan for it specifically because we feel that's what needs to be done. We prayerfully select a neighborhood and we practice many different approaches that morning in companionship study, so that we can have our tongues loosened by the spirit instead of approaching the door the same way again and again and again. That's the definition of insanity you know: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Instead, we try to find mostly through members (less active, active, part member, etc) because President Hinckley said so (see PMG Ch 9 "The Importance of Members" paragraphs 2-3). But we also need to be prepared for the unplanned opportunities; the following stories was one of those:
We were stopping by a less active woman in an effort to share a message with her and also to seek referrals (inviting her and others unto Christ). We talked about her family, and how rough things had been recently and we talked a little about how the Gospel blesses families. We asked if we could set up a return appointment to talk more about it, and she wasn't interested. To her, we were just nice guys to talk at. We left, feeling a bit dejected, but knew that the Lord would consecrate our efforts. As we were getting back into our car to head to our dinner appointment, a car pulled up behind us and a woman stepped out of it and began talking to whoever was in the passenger seat through the window. I had already put my bag in the car, but I started walking toward her and asked how she was. She said, "Fine" and just stared at me with a perplexed look on her face, like she couldn't believe I was talking to her. So I asked about her week (the spirit did it, not me, I can't even remember quite what I said or how I said it other than it was about her week) and she stops talking to the person at the passenger window and walks up to us and begins to tell us all about some problems she has been experiencing. After about 15 to 30 minutes of talking with her, we got her phone number, address, and a time we could come by to set talk to her about the Plan of Salvation! (plus we gave her a Book of Mormon and a Plan of Salvation pamphlet) It gets better. She has a friend who is also in need of spiritual guidance right now. :D Isn't that just incredible? So, Elders (if you've made it this far into the email) just open your mouths and it will be given you. Always plan the way PMG says to and follow the guidance of the spirit at all times, in all things and in all places.
Anyway, I'm sorry I talk so much, but I'm just so grateful that the Lord is trusting Elder Stanley and I with opportunities to speak with people about the Gospel. I love my mission so much and feel so blessed to be able to witness the works of the Lord on a daily basis.
Ooh! One of the things in my Valentines day package was a picture of the SL temple (by the way, I know it's not my choice, it's my future wife's, but if I get to choose which temple we get married in[because we will be getting married in the temple], it will be the SL because I have so many good memories of downtown SL... she can choose, but I will suggest SL :)). Anyway, on the picture it says, "Stand ye in Holy places, and be not moved." It made me think of the difference between when I study and when I don't. About a month into my mission, I went without studying for two days (because of snow shoveling...) and I just felt terrible. It was harder to keep my mind focused on good things and to be able to keep the spirit in lessons and in all other situations. So, lesson 1: Almost everywhere we go becomes a "holy place" when we have taken the time to sanctify ourselves through thoughtful, spirit directed study of the scriptures.
The scriptures are a strength to all who will open them. They are never a hindrance to any work, and they will never be a waste of time. They cleanse us through the power of the holy spirit. They give us focus on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. They allow us to begin patterns that will make us taller and stronger than we have ever been before, because when we have the spirit in our lives, we are given the ability to act as Christ Himself would act. We become powerful, intelligent, capable, confident, humble, charitable, pure, virtuous, collected, and sanctified all at the same time. The power of the scriptures is infinite because it creates the opens the door to revelation, which is the way in which we will be guided into the kingdom of God.
Lesson 2:
"Following these most basic teachings, a splendor of connections to Christ opens up to us in multitudinous ways: prayer and fasting and meditation upon His purposes, savoring the scriptures, giving service to others, “succor[ing] the weak, lift[ing] up the hands which hang down, … strengthen[ing] the feeble knees.” 10 Above all else, loving with “the pure love of Christ,” that gift that “never faileth,” that gift that “beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, [and] endureth all things.” 11 Soon, with that kind of love, we realize our days hold scores of thoroughfares leading to the Master and that every time we reach out, however feebly, for Him, we discover He has been anxiously trying to reach us. So we step, we strive, we seek, and we never yield. " (for the rest of this talk see: )
Jeffery R. Holland is the man, eh? This is the kind of power we can have in our lives if we will only turn to the Savior! We will realize that we are able to touch Heaven in every moment, because we are already connected to it by the ropes of heaven, available through the scriptures.
Lesson 3: Going back to the finding people topic. For all who are members (missionaries pay attention too, but especially regular members): The Lord does not follow our timetable. Callings are seldom convenient or easy. They are very rarely exactly what we hoped for or what we imagined they would be, but that's the way the Lord works. He tests us and tries us and puts us in difficult situations to show us what we will do when it comes to the wire. We are tested every day. We are asked to spend time in the temple frequently. We are asked to pray as a family and on our own daily (many times). We are pleaded with to do family home evening and to attend church and to give our all to the Lord. That sacrifice is seldom easy, but unless these practices become an important part of who we are, then we will never be able to accomplish the Lords purposes.
One of the things we are asked to do is to share the Gospel. We are not asked to tract. We are not asked to shout it from our rooftops or to plead people to repent, the missionaries and the spirit will do those jobs, all we are asked to do is to "and to stand as c of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..." I beg of you to please, please, please open your mouths and speak to those you know who are not members of the church about the greatest thing that has ever happened to the earth: namely the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. When you are afraid, remember the times when you have "felt to sing the song of redeeming love" and then ask yourself "c [I] feel so now?" I promise that as you voluntarily open your mouth and talk to people about the gospel that you will see miracles every day. I promise you that if you will prepare yourself through regular prayer and scripture study that you will speak with the tongue of angels, and you will feel completely at peace.
Please ask for and seek opportunities to spread the gospel. You will be blessed.
Holy cow, I didn't mean to get into it, but I have, and I hope that someone listened.
Things are going so much better now. I am leading, speaking, and learning by the spirit. I am still finding ways that I can grow, but I also know that as I submit myself to the Father that I have the strength to do them. Change happens quickly. Life is beautiful.
I get to go to the temple on Saturday :D The Bascoms (who are my favourite [that's just how they spell it in C eh' N eh' D eh'] but don't tell them, because I don't know if I'm supposed to have favourites) who have been very good friends to me and my companion have been kind enough to drive us down to Cardston, Alberta to do a session at the temple on Saturday. It will be an all day event, but it is worth it. The temple is just so... wonderful. I sure hope everyone down in Utah is taking a weekly opportunity to attend the House of the Lord and to enjoy the blessings available there. I didn't go as much as I wanted to when I was home, and I didn't realize the wonderful blessings of having many temples within 45 minutes of my house (Draper, SL, Oquirrh Mountain, Jordan River, Bountiful, American Fork, Provo, Ogden, and others). What a blessing! Don't miss out!
Transfers are going to be here next week! I will still be in Medicine Hat with Elder Stanley ( :) ). We're going to baptize a few more people down here before I'm done! Which reminds me... I need to send out some pictures... Next week. I forgot my card reader... oops. :D
I love you all so much, I hope you have an incredible week!
Rock on. Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order.
Elder "Charlie" Taylor Jon Hill