Monday, June 23, 2014

That Awkward Moment when You Realize You Actually Understand the Priesthood and Priesthood Keys -- 23 June 2014

I was wondering if that one would ever come :) I guess that's what happens when you study :)
Hello everyone! I have been transferred from beautiful British Colombia to the wonderful area of High River. Back in the Foothills Zone. I thought I had knocked it out, but I suppose it's time for round 3. Let's be honest. It really doesn't stand a chance this time. I'm faster, stronger, more faithful, and unafraid. Let's rock.
I'm serving with my mission grandson!!!! His name is Elder H and he's a fireball! I love it! He's a great worker and a phoenominal teacher. We're going to turn High River inside out (it's already inside out---remember the floods a year ago?). We're also serving along side Sister Missionaries in the area. We've created a plan to work together in making things happen, instead of dividing up the work. They are amazing. I can't believe just how blessed I am to be here.
My thought this week has to do with Charity. This morning I was studying D&C 121 34-46. This section is probably best known for the common place phrases in verses 7-9, which are God's promise to Joseph Smith that He will never leave him alone. The verses following are some of the best verses of scripture in my opinion, but as you make it to 34-46 God teaches the priesthood probably its most important lesson.
I've read this section many many many times on my mission. But I learned something interesting today. It says,

 34 Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
 35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, ---- 

I got to this point and thought, "I know people like this." Suddenly my world halted and I realized what had just crossed my mind. What was I doing? I don't have the right to put others down like that! Many familiar scriptures came to my mind about judging. Especially judging righteously.

Remember the mote and beam analogy in Matt 7?

After I realized this I realized what had happened to my priesthood power...

So, my thought is simply this, sometimes we accuse others of being something. Some times they really are that something or that someone, however. We have been admonished to be bigger than that. How do we do it in the moment? Well, we recognize that we are just as guilty as they are. We've probably had the past mistakes. We remember the mercy of Christ in forgiving us for those mistakes. And we forsake our own past, deciding within ourselves to also forgive the one we are confronted with. Then, as we follow the rest of the counsel in d&c 121 34-46 we are given priesthood power to do what he needs us to do to help others.

This is just a quick thought cause I only have a few seconds left, but I love you and I invite you all to read this section and figure out what you can do to be closer to your savior.

I love you all!

Rock on! Peace, love, and temple marriage.  In that order.

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