Dear Everyone that I love,
I have a few different thoughts today. Many of which come from my heart and not from any little known facts about mortality or scriptural knowledge, but first I have something to say about missionary work.
I have a few different thoughts today. Many of which come from my heart and not from any little known facts about mortality or scriptural knowledge, but first I have something to say about missionary work.
If God has asked or called you to do something, He gives you
the power to do it. But it takes commitment. That is why success as a
missionary is defined in Preach My Gospel as commitment. Which is why
missionaries in Russia that never even get to teach a single lesson 1 on their
missions still come home stronger than they've ever been before. They come home
sanctified, and converted unto the Lord---because they did what they were
called to do. That said; is it no small coincidence that the Lord said in
D&C 18: 10, 14-16
10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
14 Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people.
10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
14 Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people.
15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days
in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me,
how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And
now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into
the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many
souls unto me!
some missionaries that "one soul" is the only one they can really
not going to stop there, though. Because I don't believe that God would drag me
all the way to Canada to serve a mission, do His work, and give everything that
I have and not have the joy of seeing others come into the Gospel. Doctrine and
Covenants section 43 verses 15-16 say:
15 Again
I say, hearken ye elders of my church, whom I have appointed: Ye are not sent
forth to be taught, but to teach the children of men the things which I have
put into your hands by the power of my Spirit;
16 And ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify
yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power, that ye may give even as I have
other words, we are not here to be the ones who are taught and converted,
though that will happen because we are taught from on high---we are here to
teach. Thus the field is white already to harvest. Harvest.
Surely the Lord is preparing the people of this world to receive the Gospel.
The whole world. In every mission. Everywhere. In fact, He won't even come
until the Gospel has been preached to every nation kindred tongue and people.
you saying, Elder Hill, that everyone is called to baptize?
yes I am.
how, Elder Hill, How?
answer: Get out of the way. Be the pure fibre optic cable through which God can
shine his light into the hearts of those you will come into contact with. Don't
be the messenger who looks through the cable themselves and tries to describe
what is on the other side---that's not enough. Be the cable. Get out of the
way. Thus, "...Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power [to
do my work], that ye may give even as I have spoken.
my rant. I love this Gospel, and I love every missionary in the world,
especially all of you, and I want you to know that the power is in you to do
all things which the Lord hath commanded you. You were born to lead. You were
born for Glory. You are His children, and therefore His heirs. You have the
right to fulfill your purpose as you are faithful. You are more powerful than
you dare yet believe---please don't sell yourselves short of that endowment of
power that I know you have been given.
:) I love you so much. :D Soooo much. You have no idea how much I love you.
than that, last night I got a phone call from my mission president. This close
to transfers, that's not abnormal.
Hill, what do you want to do for your last 6 weeks?"
the Lord wants me to do, President."
tomorrow you'll be getting a notice for transfer. I'm going to assign you to be
a district leader, can you do that?"
Yes, I think I can handle that."
I think so, too."
that's what's happening this transfer. So, I got an email this morning telling
me I'm going to Calgary somewhere. Pack the bags. :) Rock on.
the last business... I was on the phone earlier this week with President
N, because I was looking for some guidance.... You see, I've done some
bad things in my life...I'm guilty of being loaded with mistakes and sins. I'm
not dumb enough to believe that mine are worse than yours or that yours are
worse than mine, but I've recently been so bothered by my past that I've felt
that I'm just not worthy of any good thing that God will give me. You can
imagine how this could hold me back in my progress.
shared something with me in that conversation that I would like to share with
all of you.
we do something terrible and we don't feel forgiveness in the way we want it,
but if we have done all we ought to do, our next step is to trust Him.
Wholeheartedly. Completely. Without reservation. Remember the story of King
Lamoni's father? He was going to kill Ammon, and then Ammon held him at sword
point and the king began to cry, and fear. He then offered Ammon half of
his kingdom if he would spare his life. Later Aaron taught him. And after
learning of God he said, "O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God;
and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto
me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may
be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day"He went from being
willing to only give half of all he possessed for his life, to being willing to
give away all of his sins. That's a complete change in who he is, how he
thinks, and what he desires.
that was the message. If we really have faith in God, we will give Him
everything. Including all our doubts about His gospel, His existence, or even
our standing before Him. If we have faith in Him, then we would "Doubt our
doubts [about where we stand with Him,] before we doubt our faith [that He will
save us]."
know and I know that I'm so much less than perfect. The good news of the gospel
covenant is not that Christ will save the perfect people, but that He
will---does---has---can save the imperfect ones. If you are willing to do all
that He asks, then He will do his part.
that's my testimony. I'm on the Gospel train with both hands. I'm trusting Him
all the way. I believe that as I do so that God will ensure my return into His
presence as an exalted being with the ones that I love by my side. I believe
that He will save us. I believe Him. I am choosing to believe that He will
accept me---including the dark lines in my personal marble egg that really,
truly, do make us all beautiful.
love you all ssoooooo much. Please, accept these truths, and live them.
Rock on. Peace. Love. And Temple Marriage.
that order.
Elder Hill
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