Monday, August 19, 2013

"I want to be a better version of an imperfect self." Elder T -- 19 August 2013

" ...for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the aliving God?"

I bet you can't guess what I studied today? :D

Before I begin, I need to apologize. I like "throw down" too much. I do. I love being chastized by scripture because it makes me feel like I can. I suppose that's really ironic, but whenever I hear an Apostle, or some other Authority telling me who I am able to become I just feel enabled. I see my potential... and while I know it will be a long road trying to reach it, I also am aware that I am soooooo happy when I am pushing forward, driving for a better me. So, please forgive me if my emails are sometimes a little graphic and unrestrained. I only do it because I love you all!

The good news is, I'm not planning on throwing down. I never do. I just say what comes to mind. So, let's talk.

The miracles start last Saturday.

Saturday evening we got a text from one of our investigators, we'll call her S. S has had a lot of trouble progressing in the Gospel, because she's been experiencing a lot of opposition from her family. She also wasn't really receiving any answers because she didn't really want them. Well, she was texting us, and she was dropping us over text! The nerve! :D As soon as we saw it, we prayed and we managed to say just what the Lord needed us to say. A miracle or two later (brought by God after all we could do) and she was at church the next day. :D But wait, it gets better. Tuesday rolls around and she's been reading the Book of Mormon, and has been experiencing so much joy because of it. Fast forward an hour and a half and several prayers later and she's on date for the 31st of August. :D Look at God going again. But it doesn't end there.

You see, our zone has a goal of 6 baptisms this month. That is more than this zone has done in 2 years (maybe more, our records only go that far back). So, as soon as we set the goal as a zone, miracles began to happen, with everyone. So, we have 5 on date for baptism before the end of the month. The first of these wonderful people to enter into the Kingdom of God this month is G. His baptism was on the 17th. I'll keep you posted as we go.

Anyway, S had set her own date for baptism during our lesson on Tuesday, but was still struggling. She had the answers, but it wasn't what she had expected to experience. She wasn't sure if she had the faith. Well, at G's baptism a member bore his powerful witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being found in this church. It was incredible (in fact, when I grow up, I would like to be like him). Well, S came up to us after the service (which she attended) and told us that she was ready, and she wasn't looking back.

Have you ever heard the Spirit say something to you like, "Boomshakalaka" or "Whitchickabam"? I have.

Miracles. Summer will be baptized on the 31st. :D God is blessing us.

So, the past week has been just a test of faith for our entire zone. Are we going to believe that God will do this, or not? Do we believe that we are able to accomplish His work, and are we willing to work for it?

Well, I believe He will. Will you?

I think that's really what it comes down to in this life. Do we believe that we can with God? Do we believe that if we will do as He asks that He will do as He promises?

Well, He will and He does. I know He does.

I have one final thought, sometimes we think we need to be perfect. Sometimes when we hear someone try to teach us we may think, "Well, I can't! I'll never get there." I just have one verse for you, "13 Thou shalt be aperfect with the Lord thy God." (Deuteronomy 18:13) With Him, you can make it.

Rock on. Peace. Love. Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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