Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I Feel God's Love When... 17 February 2014

Hello Friends! I was perusing lds.org when I came across a web page that went a little something like this: "I feel God's love when..." and it had 6 photos and a bunch of sliced tweets on it. This one was my favorite.

I also saw this video, and it inspired me. When Christ was just 12 he understood who he was. Does it occur to anyone else that we share the same divine heritage through Christ? Can we too know so strongly who we are that we amaze those around us with our character, hope, faith, wisdom, and understanding. If we will give Him the glory, He will through us. 

After all, who are we not to be His elect? :D 

I know it's just a quick thought, but let's be honest, you probably haven't even made it this far. 

Look, I know it must get old listening to me go... but the message that we share is too important. I have been called of Him through His prophet to proclaim His gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. I know His message is true. 

So, do you want power? Hope? Courage? Change? a Second Chance? 
Stand. Be numbered with Him. 
Calling all to come unto Christ, and be perfected in Him. 

I'm in Medicine Hat. I love you all so much, you don't even know. Thank you for teaching me to be His through your wonderful examples. :D (zone conferences for the next 2 weeks)

Believe. Peace. Love. And Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Hill

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