Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tell Me a Story of Jesus -- 3 January 2014

Okay, I'm going to be trying to revamp my emails and journal writing because I saw this picture on

In the grand scheme of things, this is all about sharing blessings with you, and not necessarily my thoughts or the things I've learned. So, I'm going to tell you about the blessings. :D and That actually takes away a lot of the stress of writing an email (which I've never been very good at--or journal writing for that matter...)

This past week was transfers which often means a lot of long hours (longer than regular missionary schedule), a lot of stress (as if it isn't stressful enough) and a huge work load. Well, the blessing that I would like to highlight in all of this is the blessing of having a companion, especially my companion. 

Our transfer day is very busy, we wake up early (before six thirty is what is known as early on a  mission) and head over to the mission home, where we do a brief training and eat with the new missionaries, we then head over to the Willow Park Chapel (about 2 blocks down the road from the mission home) and begin organizing. We park the van and trailer on the south side and the missionaries who will be traveling to Lethbridge show up and load their luggage and themselves into the van or trailer. Then, as soon as they have everyone loaded they begin the drive south. This round, President Nicholas and I managed what was going on inside the building as my companion managed what was going on outside.

So, we ran the transfer in the building, announcing new companions and areas, then we headed south together. When we got to the next transfer station, Elder Crapo already had everyone in the chapel quietly listening to prelude music (let me tell you, it's a feat!!!). He had gotten there, and assigned people to unload the trailer then got to work gettting everyone inside. When we got there, we went inside and began the transfer as he finished loading what was going North and then went to Calgary. President and I ran the transfer and then ran North again, and when we got there, he was already unloading the trailer and almost everyone was in the chapel waiting for us. We immediately began the transfer and finished up for the day. It was very smooth and very very well done, and all because Elder Crapo was running ahead and doing his part. It's incredible to see how such a simple thing makes everything go smoothly. 

Last night I had the opportunity to go on exchanges in my very first area. The Elders that I went with were asking me what to do to help less-actives progress in the Gospel. They asked very specific questions and I asked who they were working with, they said, "His name is John." (name has been changed for privacy purposes) and I was like, "I love John!!!!!!" So we flipped the van around (yep, I drive a minivan :) don't hate, just appreciate) and drove to John's house. He and His wife were there. They recognized me and let us in. I immediately began to talk with John his life and how he was doing, what his interests were and what he wanted to do and be. Fortunately, it all related well with a message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I ended up asking him for help in my personal life, and how he would go about dealing with struggles and problems that I am personally having. He bore his testimony to me, and identified things that he needed to be doing in his life to overcome what he is struggling with. We then extended an invitation to him and closed the lesson. It was excellent. It was a testimony to me that the Lord puts us in the paths of people who need our help, they need someone to love them and to appreciate them. I've found that God very seldom will make anything we do for Him convenient or easy for us, but He will always bless us for reaching out to His children. 

I know that my Savior has been sent to the earth to Redeem mankind from tehir sins and mistakes. I testify that our shame and guilt can be swept away by the power of the Atonement which He performed. I testify that God needs us to be anxiously engaged in a good cause, He needs us for the sake of those we love. All around us are people to bless, encouage, lift, and inspire. He is ready to give us the tools to do it. What He needs is your strengths and your weaknesses, this is a "take you as you are" kind of Gospel. I know that when we do as he asks, we are blessed with the ability to do more, and to be more. 

I love you all so much. Sorry this was a rocky email, they'll get better, I'm sure.

Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order.

Elder Hill

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