Thursday, October 17, 2013

Consistent God -- 17 October 2013

I love you all did you know that? I'm trying to get caught up, believe me, but you should know that I do love you.

Well, I'm doing my best right now to get the missionary work under control over here. We've been working a lot with other missionaries recently, and especially spending a lot of time in the office. We've been getting programs working correctly (talents that I never thought I would be using on my mission) running backups and preparing the office for an upgrade. Yesterday we were in the office doing paperwork until 6:30, then we had a dinner appointment and a less-active lesson. I find that one thing I really miss is having consistent personal studies. I can really see it affecting my teaching and the general spirit I feel throughout the day. I don't know how I went through life before without consistent studies... it's always the lift, the boost that I need. I find happiness and peace in greater measure when I study the Gospel. I find that I am always given what I should say, even in situations that don't seem like such a big deal.

I had a sweet experience a few weeks ago. We had just had a training on the new church program, "Adjusting to Missionary Life." Basically, it's a new book all about learning to deal with stress, especially in the mission field. In the training we did role plays where we took time to talk with a missionary who was struggling with personal issues. Issues like home-sickness, depression, frustration, stress, discouragement, and disobedience. We discussed the affect that we could have on individuals who are battling said issues and we talked about things that we found helpful when we were struggling. Then we practiced helping other missionaries. Well, later that evening we went on an exchange with some other missionaries in our zone. The missionary that I was with was really hurting for various reasons, and I could tell. To make matters worse, we were in a meeting with his Ward Mission Leader who was just tearing him apart. I stood up for him, in the most Christlike way that I could... then he started in on me. (sarcasm is the devils tool, btw) (bold language, but it's destructive, don't use it,  you might hurt someone you love without meaning to) So, I calmly (I used to just freak out in those situations, I guess that's one good way I've grown) focused the direction back to the reason for the meeting. 

After it was over, this missionary and I went into the church washroom and I just asked him how he was doing. He expressed his feeling of inadequacy, and his honest desire to just be a good boy. He felt that he was disappointing his God, his trainer, his ward mission leader, and Himself. He placed his leaders on a pedestal of perfection and asked questions such as, "What do I need to do to be more like so-and-so?" or "Why can't I just do it as well as said-awesome-missionary?" When he was done expressing himself, I said a silent prayer in my mind that I would be guided to know what to say. I honestly don't remember what I did say (such, I suppose is the nature of the spirit) but what I know is that the Spirit was there. Tears were shed as the spirit testified of His divine worth, and potential. Somehow, the message got across that I loved him, and that the Lord loves him. That the Lord doesn't expect perfection, but he does expect us to try. It was beautiful to see the Lord work so quickly.

I think one of the cruelest poisons in the world is comparison. It is a weakness that I have, along with many other imperfections. In our own way, we all compare ourselves with others, and we really shouldn't. We are all at our own places in life, in our own ways and our own times. It is good to have role-models, but when we look at our performances as failures because of the successes of others, then we are damaging ourselves and damming our own personal progression, because it is discouraging. We aren't perfect beings, but we are capable of great things if we choose to believe in ourselves.

Confidence is not the certainty of success but rather the conclusion that failure does not determine our worth—we lose nothing by trying.

I want you to know that I love you all. Please don't be discouraged, know that I love you, and trust that God will take care of you. You can trust in Him. 

I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We are our Father's children. 

Peace, Love, and Temple Marriage. In that order.

Elder Taylor J. Hill

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