Monday, July 15, 2013

Mama's Notes -- 15 July 2013

Ch and Ca W grew up in the CH 5th ward.  I met Ca (I think she’s my youngest brother's age) when I worked here in the maintenance group.  Ch came later, but we work on the same floor/same department (she’s a temple interior designer). 

Those two ladies bought a home together, and they have another woman living with them named R.  When I got my current position, R took over the job I had been doing with the building manager.  She’s wonderful, too.

I had lunch with a group of ladies a couple of weeks ago, and R was among them.  She told me that her family was headed to Calgary for a family reunion and the Stampede.  I told her to keep her eyes open for a very handsome missionary while she was there.  Since it’s a big city, it was a long shot, but…

Sunday they went to her cousin’s (family) ward.  They had gone outside after the block and had decided to drive to the Calgary Temple, so she said, “Let me just run in and use the restroom before we go.”  So she goes back into the church, and as she’s walking down the hall, she passes a couple of missionaries.  She sees their nametags, stops, and says, “Elder Hill, is your mom Aundrea?”  His jaw drops, and he says, “How do you know my mom?!” 

So they talked for about 10 minutes.  He is serving in the YSA ward that meets in that building.  And he said, “You can take a picture, but it has to be a good one.  I want my mom to know that I’m happy.”  She said he told her several times, “Make sure my mom knows I’m happy.”

Here is the picture of R and Elder Hill together J  He looks wonderful and happy (and apparently, he IS wonderful and happy).

Once again, the world is very small, especially in the Church.

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