Monday, February 11, 2013

Missionary Music -- Monday, 11 February 2013

Some missions have a lot of really strict rules about music. The things you could listen to, for example, when our last president was here was limited exactly to missionary work. Now President N says: Follow the white handbook.

Which basically means spiritually uplifting music that isn't only meant to entertain.

So, I have inherited some music that I wanted to recommend highly to all who are reading this.

Album title - Artist
Joseph: A Nashville Tribute - Various
Work: A Nashville Tribute - Various
The Sum of all Grace -  Mindy Gledhill
Come Thou Fount -  MOTAB
Showtime - MOTAB
August End & Hymns..... The Piano Guys /  John Schmidt not sure which

Anyway, in the way of less.... regular things, M WAS BAPTIZED! Ole!
It was very exciting. She was so excited to be baptized. I was excited for her. One of the greatest blessings of the mission is the opportunity to see everyone around you changing, usually for the better. M has come a long way since she first met with Elder C and I. :D

In other news, L is down to 2 cigarettes  a day and is off of coffee completely :D  She will be baptized on the 23rd. She bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon to us yesterday :D It was amazing.... sooo incredible.

I gave a talk in church on Sunday, which meant hours of preparation throughout the week :\ I love giving talks, and I love preparing talks, but I don't like devoting my personal study time for a whole week toward writing them. However, fortunately, the bishop was VERY specific in what he wanted me to talk about and that was certainly a blessing. He wanted me to speak about missionary work, but he wanted me to tie it in to an experience that I had had as well.  Plus he wanted me to help members overcome the fear of sharing the gospel and talk about their responsibility as children of God using the following quote (this is so good) "We are more than we know, and when we come to know this, may we never settle for less." Chris Hahn (famous climber).

So, my "message" for you is that "We are more than we know" and we should never settle for less.

You've probably already seen that one, but it teaches a lot about our divine identity.
We are more than we know. We are capable of being the greatest anythings we want to be. We are able to be the greatest tools in the Lord's hands in the world if we will only give ourselves to him and allow him to shape us in our "tabernacle of clay." He will mold us, and he will do so carefully and lovingly as we turn to Him. We are and will continue to be his greatest creations. We are the Masterpieces of His work. We are His. And He has chosen us to be the greatest versions of ourselves that we can be.

I love you all very very much. I will also send over a few pictures :D

Rock on. Peace, love, and temple marriage. In that order.

Elder Hill

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