Monday, November 19, 2012

Holy Amazing WHITCHICKABAM SMFAH! (is that enough excitement for you?) -- 19 November 2012

Well, I'm not going to lie to you, cause that's not acceptable in Medicine Hat. :D

First things first, when I opened up my email, I wasn't sure what to expect. I never do, but today I received some of the best news I ever have. My best friend is well on his way to his mission! (what if he gets called here?!?!?!?!? :D) Priesthood seems to be wrapping around the world with the news of Logan and of Tanner! There is only one word, unless you happen to be Jace Mitchell in which case there's two; WHITCHICKABAM and SMFAH!

Holy tolito, there's just so much excitement welling up inside of me I can't keep it in. I'm tearing up at my computer and I'm getting a lot of strange looks from the guy next to me who is playing "Farmville" on Facebook. Maybe I'll try to contact him.... ;) Done.

Subject change. Last night we were stopping by a few less-actives in the ward and we knocked on this guy's door.  What happened next was rude. He opened. We said, "Hello, is this the residence of _______?" To which he responded, "Goodbye." *SLAM* To which I said, "Fair enough." On top of that we were walking down the street and as a car drove by someone yelled, "Hail (for reasons of respecting the nature of the name, we'll use a common addage to replace it) He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" So, we made sure to say a very special prayer for those two at the end of the night. They need a little extra love. *eyeroll* "What are you, like, six?"

Needless to say, Med Hat isn't quite so full of the uber-nice Canadian spirits that I'm used to dealing with in Willow Park, nevertheless the work goes forward. Elder C and I are working hard. We've been doing a lot of work. Honestly, it doesn't really feel like work because we've been having such a good time doing it. We're laughing a lot and we have a lot of fun. He's also teaching me piano and ping-pong. Plus, guess what?! CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP!!! Do you know what that could possibly mean?
This is where you adapt your larynx to a low, epic, radio vocal tone and say the following two words: Christmas Caroling. ; ) (that was a Barney Stinson wink, by the way)

Christmas caroling, the best form of missionary work in the world. Why? Because everyone is willing to listen to carolers, even if they are wearing name tags. It helps that my district has all been in choir. Yes. This will be awesome.

Anyway, Elder C is from Korea, but spent a good amount of time in Ottowa between 2003 & 2007. He speaks perfect English. He's smart and eager to work (which is way good, because I really really wanted someone who would be)(go figure).

In the meantime I spend an awful lot of time---while I exercise in the morning---day dreaming about the possibilities of awesomeness; like, what if we achieve our goal of 3 baptisms by the end of this transfer? Then I start coming up with plans of how to achieve it, which is usually followed by a string of exciting revelation of things we can be doing, I just get so excited I can't hold it back and I have to restrain myself from interrupting Elder C's shower. So, I have a testimony of exercise first thing in the morning, because it gives you an opportunity to thin about the things which matter most, and you are able to receive revelation upon those things. So, exercise! There's many a benefit!

Speaking of which, you may be wondering how the "getting jacked" is going. Maybe. I've mostly been focusing on losing weight, and tightening my core, so there's been a huge focus on cardio. The good news is, another missionary provided me with the "Spartacus" workout, which is a workout that is meant for weightloss and strength gain.

You want to hear about the work? Well, we have an investigator who is named T.  She is maybe possibly could be on probation, but we don't know. She is very very interested in being baptized and is ready to do so, but she can't until she is off probation.

Other than that we have a lot of potentials. There's M (who is Sister K. Kelsch's twin, I swear). The C family (from Africa, lots of African-American's in Med Hat). And a few others. I'm sure it will all progress nicely as long as we work hard, yeah? We have a lot of hope and there is a TON of potential out there (6 billion?)(I suppose for me it's more like 15....7...2 million).

A special shout to Briana (Sister  Hill) who will be turning 22 in 7 days! A shout to Tanar Maughan who has officially been on his mission for a year.

Special warnings: Ashtyn, be expecting a few letters and dating applications in the mail. Just fill 'em out and send 'em back. Trust me, you may thank me one day :D

Chris, this mission goes by really really really fast. DON'T EVER FORGET TO WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL! That goes for Colton, too.(and me....) Anyway, I love you all with all of my heart and I hope that you have a wonderful excellent uber epic holiday season! Happy Thanksgiving!

Elder Taylor "Charlie" J. Hill

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