Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What Is This Madness? -- 24 September 2012

I swear, if someone were to look into the daily life of your average missionary, they may say, "Well, I'm impressed by all the work these guys do, but that doesn't mean I'm going to join your church." However, let's say they were to just experience the spiritual experiences of the week for a missionary, They would come away saying; "When can I be baptized?"

True story.


Miracles. Every single day. Last night we were going around handing out invitations for the new temple open house (it's a really REALLY big deal around here and we've been doing an awful lot to make sure people get the opportunity), and we stopped by one of our potential investigators. We knock on their door and she is really kind and curious about the temple. Then she says, "So, when can you come back so we can talk about your religion?"

What is this madness?

"How's Thursday night around 6 sound?"

"Sounds great, could you call on Tuesday and remind me?"

All we needed to do was show up.

I just want to talk about that simple principle. There are many things we do in the gospel that just require us to show our faces. Church; we just need to be there. Temple; we just need to be there. Prayer; we just need to be mentally present. Study; we just need to BE THERE.

WHY is that so important?

Think about it for just a moment; How does just showing up to a single day of church change your life?

I'm going to tell you a story. Once upon a time on my mission, we were told that a few people in the ward had stopped attending church because someone had offended them. So, we went by and testified that if they would just go to church one more time, they would see that the Lord needed them, no matter what anyone else said. They cried and committed. They came. And now they have fixed things with the individual and have been attending ever since. How will this act strengthen their faith? They will be able to cleansed every week from the filth that burdens us every day of our lives. They will be able to experience life-altering spiritual experiences because they were there. They will get to go to the celestial kingdom (no, you may not go to the celestial kingdom if you aren't willing to keep the covenants you made at baptism: keeping the sabbath day holy) because they are coming.

When you simply choose to show up, you prove to God that He can trust you to with the lives of those He will put in your path. That means the lives of your children (His children) your friends (His children) and the guy you sit next to on the bus (His child). When you just simply show your faith by showing up, you prove to God that you are willing to live.

Sorry, whenever I email home I just feel like I rant, and I'm sorry for that. I want you to know that I love you so much, and I just want you to know that this Gospel is not hard. God has created a path for you that is simple and will lead you to be able to overcome ALL things.

This Church is true. When you live the Gospel, life is comparably easy. When you don't, life is much harder.

I love you so so so so so much.

"It's a long way to the top, if you want to rock & roll."

Friday, September 21, 2012

Elder Hill -- 20 September 2012

Dear Sister Hill,

Your son just left my home moments ago.  He is not aware as to the reason why I asked him for your email address.  I asked him discreetly as a group were leaving my home this evening.  I want to write to you and tell you what an amazing Elder you and your husband raised.  He testifies with the Spirit and it is so very evident to me that he is filled with the Spirit when he speaks.  He has come to my home a few times now.  Each time he has said something directly to me that Heavenly Father wants me to hear.  Elder Hill is unaware of the extent of it.  I told him last visit but I really do not think he understands the power in which I speak of it.

Without the thesis version, may I say, my life is riddled with unusual trials.  I truly am blessed to know that I can turn to my Heavenly Father and know He is listening.  However, on occasion, such as today, my heart becomes burdened to the point of almost a paralyzing feeling inside.  Those very few who are aware, including my Bishop and Stake President agree that the heaviness of such would be felt by anyone who would be asked to walk in these shoes of mine.  My husband felt the weight upon me this evening to the point he said he thought it would be appropriate to cancel our visit with our home teachers and the Elders allowing me the evening to be alone.  I thought I would like to be alone but when he said it out loud, I told him that we must allow the evening to unfold as planned but to expect that after all have left, that I will likely take some time away or at least be alone to grieve… to contemplate… to cry… to try and find peace.

Our home teachers ended up visiting the whole time the Elders were here leaving no time for us to receive the Elder’s message.  When it was 8:55 PM and time for the Elders to leave, I asked if one of them had a scripture they could share with us before we closed our visit with prayer.  Elder Hill smiled and readily said that he had a scripture that comes with a short story. 

He told us of the incident when he was young and his friend was injured on the mountain.  He shared how scary the event was for him and how he and his sister then got lost.  He told us that he was taught as a child to kneel and pray when he needed help.  He testified that it was then that he gained his testimony of prayer and how Heavenly Father helped them find their way back to everyone.  He then read a scripture that beautifully tied in with his story about miracles.  He bore testimony that he knew our God is a God of miracles.  What he didn’t know is that I need a miracle… and a big one.  What he didn’t know is that I feel so sad that I have not asked for one.  What he didn’t know is that all my life I am an ensign of countless miracles, and I dare say that there could not be many that will surpass me in being the recipient of tender mercies and miracles.  What he didn’t know is that Heavenly Father wanted to remind me of that this very evening.  What he didn’t know is that I said to my husband, “No, let the evening unfold as planned… for all I know, Heavenly Father may have a message to me that will come through them.”

Thank you for sending your son on his mission.  It is not just those who have not heard the message of the Gospel that are in need.  Strengthening the Saints is one of the great aspects of our Savior’s plan as well, and you should sleep peacefully at night knowing that your son is busily engaged in His cause.

Sister M.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Week Full of Miracles -- 17 September 2012

Okay, *cracks knuckles* *stretches shoulders* *warms up neck* *boxing stance* This week has basically been incredible. So, I've redoubled my efforts to be closer to Heavenly Father. Why? Because I've needed all the help I can get. I have been feeling like I've been seriously failing God. I just want to give him everything, you know? So, I've been trying extra hard, including going out of my comfort zone and really talking to my companions about what we could be doing better(kindly of course, I don't want to start any fights). So, since we talked, how much we have been working has just shot through the roof. Next thing we knew, doors opened. Literally.

We met Kim who had just lost her husband and it went soooooooooooooooo well. Let me tell you how we met her. We were sent to talk to a less active family. So we get there and we knock on the door and Kim comes a strolling out. We talk to her, thinking that she must be Sister G [or one of their daughters] and she starts talking about all of the coincidences she's had. Namely, running into lots of missionaries recently. She's been looking for a church [by this point we've found out that the G's moved away a year ago] and has been trying to find a way to explain to her kids where dad is. So, we set up an appointment to teach them and then taught them The Plan of Salvation. What?

Then, we met the W family. Also a success.

Then, we kept teaching M and M and they're like, this *fingers really close together* close to being there.



We've worked as hard as we can. Please check out Ether chapters 4, 5, and 6. Read them. (I seriously hope I've directed you to the correct chapters.) Basically, the Lord helps Ether with just about everything and then he basically says, "Figure it out." So, he works. He collects stones, moltens them into the white glassish rocks, and then climbs a mountain and then talks to God and says, "Here's what I've got." THEN God gave him the light he needed to cross the ocean. So, how do you get guidance from the Lord? How do you see miracles?

Just give Him everything. Work like you've never worked before. You may need to gather a few stones. You may have to climb a mountain to get there, but the Lord, our loving Father, will provide us with the means to accomplish His works. He loves us. He would never leave us alone or miserable. If you will show Him faith. If you will give Him your all, then he will show unto you miracles. He will pour out His blessing upon you.

Goodness loving gracious, this gospel is true. I am so grateful for a Father who will not leave me comfortless. There are lives at stake in this marvelous work, and I am proud to be a part of the work that is going forth "boldly, nobly, and independent." I am grateful for a God of miracles, so grateful for the ability to work and to show Him my mettle, and I pray for the ability to withstand the refinement that will surely come from the tests and challenges ahead, because I know He will turn me into the missionary He needs me to be.

Seems a little disjointed and a little spasmastic, but it's what I've got this week.

I love you all.

Challenge. Look for miracles in your life this week. Then share that with someone you don't know, and let me know how it goes.

My Love Note for the Day -- 17 September 2012

Dear Momma,

Please let Kelly know that I am grateful for all he taught me about life and about music. You wouldn't believe how useful it has all been on my mission. I use music every day to help touch the hearts of others.  Sometimes I sing in lessons with others, there have been times when people have just needed my help preparing something, and there have been many instances that I have been able to get in the door simply because I expressed interest in how well they could play that beautiful piano they have sitting there collecting dust!

I've been searching for an excuse to have someone teach me to play, but without much luck. I suppose the Lord will help me develop the talents he needs me to have.

Also, please text Momma Plouzek and just let her know that I love her very much.

By the way, I love you, Mother, and I am soooooo grateful for everything that you and Dad have taught me. I am definitely here already with huge advantages over many many other missionaries. I know how to cook(healthily), clean (correctly), exercise (regularly and without damaging myself), and teach because I have already been taught. It's wonderful not to have to fight to understand all that I'm being taught. If I could give anyone a single ounce of advice before they came, I would probably tell them just to listen to their mothers and fathers, because they actually do know what they're talking about. WHAT!? Parents knowing what they're talking aboot? Myth.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Oh, Say Does That Star-Spangled Banner Yet Wave

So, on my first day here we had everyone at the transfer station and we all sang "The Star-Spangled Banner." You've never heard it sung so loudly or with so much vigor as it was sung that day. The missionaries are so proud to be American, because America is amazing. I love Canada, but this place is crazy in ways that it doesn't even understand.

That said, there are a number of things that I love about it. First, EVERYONE is just sooooooooo friendly. I haven't had any doors slammed in my face, everyone will listen to what you have to say before they say, "No." And sometimes they say, "Yes." Love that. Absolutely love that.

Today is weekly planning, which takes around 4 to 6 hours depending on how focused we can be. Believe it or not, I am usually the focused one. What? I know. Madness. Canada does that to people.

Elder Church didn't do a survey that they asked us to do because his computer wasn't working on Monday, so they told us to come back and have him take it. In the meantime, I need to tell you that I don't have p day on Monday because I am going to the temple next Saturday. Darn. (:D I LOVE the temple!)

I've been trying to stay away from using misisonary lingo such as: Frikin', flip, fetch, damage, etc. Because it drives me crazy. Can't anyone be a little more creative? Or just calm down. "NOBODY MOVE! I've dropped me brains..."

So, in the evening, we play a year of RISK after journal writing and prep for bed. (We did a game of chess that lasted the first two weeks. I dominated. Hard core.) Elder Park is the new world leader. We have been addressing him promptly, "Elder World Leader," "Elder World Magistrate," "Elder Dictator," "Elder Owns-everything-except-Austrailia-and-Asia-because-Elder-Hill-never-surrenders," "Elder why-did-you-trap-all-the-black-people-on-the-moon-without-a-way-home." (It's RISK 2210 A.D. the only one we could get our hands on...) Elder Church just about had a meltdown when he lost (the game only lasts 5 years instead of going for complete domination). I almost told him to calm down, but he cut me off and said "It's not just a game!" Yeah, we're not playing that again.....

In fact, during comp inventory we decided we weren't going to play board games except on P-Day. A wise decision, I think, because I could use an extra hour of study. And letter writing. And journal writing.

In companionship study the other day, we went over chapter 2 in PMG which covers "Effective Study." It talks about how studying with the spirit helps to give us "solace.... [and] strength to endure to the end." You know those times when you have just had the most awful day of your life, ever?  So, you get home and just sit down next to someone and don't move for like an hour? Or, if you're a girl you cry. Or if you're a guy you cry... sometimes, but only if you're a baby like me.... (haven't cried in front of my companions, not gonna happen). Those situations? Basically, when you need someone most, the Savior is that shoulder to cry on, the person to sit and stare into nothing with, the person who will go for a drive with you, or help you get rid of your stress. How do you get with Him? Study. Invite the spirit. Bring Him into your heart and you will be given the strength you need.

Challenge: Read Chapter 2 of PMG and write down what you can do to change how you study.

I love you. Have a good next 10 days

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Don't Know What Week It Is -- 10 September 2012

So, it's fall in Canada. What that means is 0 first thing in the morning and 28 in the afternoon. (32 farenheight to about 80 farenheight I don't know the exact math.) Cold. You may ask, what does that mean for me?

Hot Chocolate.

One word.


I hope you don't mind that I spent 10 bucks for Dry Pack hot cocoa, because it's too late, I already spent it. And it was worth it. 6 lbs of hot chocolate to last me from now until Christmas.

Let me reiterate.


Anyway, life is wonderful on the Canadian front.

I met a guy a few days ago who was in the Canadian Military and he says that they suck... so, there's another proven stereotype. I haven't been able to prove that every Canadian is afraid of the dark.... but nobody is outside at night other than that missionaries and people going to McDonalds, so I'm going to call a "plausible" on that theory.

In other news, for some reason I can't sleep up here.

We did this service project where we collected 500,000 lbs of food for the local food bank (no exaggeration, it was literaly 542,000 lbs of food) and I was alternating between forklifts (never thought that skill would come in handy on my mission), pallet jacks (I was hoping I'd never have to use that one again), and sheer scottish muscular grit (I use that one every day... I've adopted myself into the scottish whitchickabam clan, our plaid is forest green, navy blue, and candy apple red). I noticed a few interesting things while we were working it. Basically more food was coming from places like trailer parks than coming from rich neighborhoods. What does that tell you? Those who are sufficiently humble are more submissive to the will of God. True story. Dear Mom and Dad. We need to be better about giving at food drive time. I know we just forget, but there are a lot of people with a lot less than us.

Landon, there were two teens who volunteered to work with the missionaries during the food drive. They were out-working many of the missionaries and still rocked the first dibs on pizza. Basically, just know that it doesn't take much to rock the world; it's all on the amount of work that you are willing to put into becoming great.

Anyway, we've been teaching a less active that doesn't want to go to church because he has been offended. Unfortuantely, we're finding that to be the case with most of the less-actives we teach. How can you help? Let me tell you, and I'll quote Elder Uchtdorf: "Stop it." I wrote those two words with all the finger strength I could muster. So, it made the desk shake. Stop insulting. Stop judging. Stop pushing people away. Learn to love others. God is great and wants all to return to him, which won't happen simply because of what some people have said. It's that simple. They surrender their beliefs because of what someone said and it breaks my heart to speak with them. They live in misery without the gospel and they don't even realize it.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

I don't have much time, but I want you to know that this Church is true. God loves us all very much and he wants us to be happy!

Also, look ahead! Christmas is coming!

"Don't you quit, you keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. It will be alright in the end. Trust God, and believe in good things to come..... Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven, but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

I love you so much! Sorry I couldn't write more! you'll just have to read my journal when I get back or soemthing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pictures.... -- 4 September 2012

So, first of all, my missionary pictures, am I ever going to see some of those? Also, would you send me some pictures of the family? They ask us to have them. "Pictures have power" as they say.

Ash, I talked you up, and the Elders here are interested. Just warning you.

Bri, same with you.

Landon, I talked you up, and the Elders here are not interested. They were almost sold on your beautiful personality, but they couldn't get past you being a dude. I told them they were being short sighted, but they didn't believe me. Don't worry, I didn't talk to the sisters...yet.

Anyway, I do need some pictures just of everyone. Including Bella. And the guys, if you can get me one or two of them. They said family, "Bros included."

Did I mention I get to drive? Every third day! Also, I get to play a lot of lacrosse on p-day and during workout. Elder Park played. Elder Church is learning. Some of the Spanish elders played. Plus a few guys from our zone. Lots of them have sticks here. It's sweet. I will send you some pictures of my ripped body when it is actually ripped.... I've lost weight and am trying VERY hard to eat healthily. It's weird to not hit on women, but I have been able to channel my "devilish charm" into something useful; I found out I'm great at street contacting, especially when it comes to cute women, old people, and people with dogs. I have a tough time with dudes because what dude wants to listen to a message of the gospel unless it's coming from a cute girl, right? "Flirt to convert," as they say in the MTC.

Anyway, Dad, I'm still waiting on that recipe. The Elders are hoarding in on it, so please hook me up soon, cause I'm almost out. I also bought strawberries, bananas, mangos, pineapple and other fruits and veggies. I have a juicer.  The people at the office found out I know how to use it.  So usually my breakfast consists of greek yogurt, protein of some kind, and fruit (could be a juice or just raw fruit. Kinda depends on my mood).

I also need to apologize, I've been sending a lot of downer things home. I love you all and want you to know that if we are faithful and if we stop complaining, things work out. Have faith. Let it change you.

Question of the week: What things can we do in order to maintain our faith in the gospel? Why are those things so important? What are you willing to change in your life in order to grow closer to God? What do you think you SHOULD change?

Canada -- 4 September 2012


Basically, winter is approaching fast here in Canada. The mornings are usually characterized by 2-3 degree weather which we run in (that's abut 40-50 degrees farenheight.... I think). It rains a lot at night, and the days are usually sunny and bright. The missionaries around here are very into "getting JACKED" MEANING getting really super muscular. You have to say it like that too, "JACKED." Which is good news for me. I've lost about 15 lbs putting me squarely at 150 with plenty of fat still to drop. Anyone who has been in this mission for more than 6 months is ripped. I love it. It gives me a lot to look forward to. We wake up at six in order to be eating breakfast and getting ready for the day by 7, and, of course, studying by 8.

Also, before I say anything else, you know all of those stereotypes about Canadians? You know "aboot" instead of "about," "baig" instead of "bag" and all that jazz? Totally true. 100%. Everyone here has at least a little bit of knuck accent in them. It's HILARIOUS.  Also, they all suck at driving. They cross the street whenever they want and expect not to get hit by cars. They are all SUPER friendly. And one in every 20 people I meet are already Mormon. I'm stationed pretty close to downtown Calgary.

They say a lot of things that British people say "flat" or "pad" instead of "apartment." Things like that.

(Just so you know, now that I'm here, I'm wishing I had brought more hoodies. They're the best and I use them every day, working out, study time, bed time [because our flat probably hits 0 degrees celcius at night] and also, protein is a HOT commodity. It's hard to eat healty, especially up here because everything is SOOOOOOOOO much more expensive. Example (bad example) a bag of chips is usually around 6 bucks. Mostly air. Of course.)

Oh, they don't believe in refried beans. Or mexican food. Bummer. I just have to make my own.... except, I don't know how to do refried beans...

Now, for the part you're all waiting for: The work.

Well, I LOVE teaching, finding, planning, proselyting, organizing, I love it all! I feel like we can do more though. I'm thinking the more I put into this, the more the Lord will let out. We are teaching a couple by the names of Mike and Mary S. who are absolutely GOLDEN. If we work hard, follow the spirit, and do everything we're supposed to, they're in the water for sure.

No fear. Keep the Faith. Love the Lord. I don't have any time left, I love you all and I am offically allowed to email as long as I prioritize my momma before anyone else. :D Love you

Elder Taylor J. Hill

Re: Dear Elders and Sisters

Note from Mom:  This is in response to an email I sent to not just Taylor and Briana, but to many of our children's friends who are currently serving missions.  Part of my words: 

I’m glad you’ve chosen to serve the Lord for this season of your lives.  I hope you will continue to do work to remain converted to Jesus each day.  And I hope that for today, you are the missionary your mom thinks you are!

Here is Taylor's response:

Just a quick thought: I can already see the difference between the missionaries that are just in it for the ride and the missionaries who are in it until the end. Endure. Read. Study. Pray. Live. Love. Learn. Because while we change every day based on our actions, two facts don't: God, our Father loves each of us; Jesus is the Christ.

Say it once, say it twice, testify of it a million times a day. Believe it. Have faith in it. Let it change you and move you to become someone better than you have ever been--constantly changing, constantly becoming better, constantly giving up your life, only to have it given back. If you will give Him everything He will give it back. Endure to the end. Alma 26:27 He will give you success.

Serving a mission doesn't mean anything unless you continue to live the gospel 100% when you are home. "Have ye experienced that great change in your heart?" (Alma 5 vs.... 16?)  "Are you truly converted? Because if you are, you give Him everything. If not, your mission is a waste of your time, and the Lord's time."    --MTC devotional Elder Jeffery R. Holland (best talk I've ever heard)

Anyway, I love you.