Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Re: Here In Canada -- 27 August 2012

Okay, the bad news: This mission isn't as hard as I thought it should be, which tells me, we're not working hard enough.

The good news: Going through training has been really simple because I've known most of what they've been teaching me.

Anyway, my address is the same as the mission office address on Facebook 7044 Farrell Rd SE etc etc because it takes 3 weeks for me to get packages or mail, by which time I have probably already moved on to my next area, so they try to forward it to me, which takes even longer because, apparently, the Canadian mailing system stinks like poo. So, just send it to the mission office, and tell everyone else to send it there, because we go there once a week. That probably won't change throughout my mission.

I've started saying more to my companions, we have started sharing experiences and have started doing more planning for investigator lessons, which is awesome, because I felt like we were really slacking on planning. So, once upon  time we had a referral from a guy by the name of Shawn, who had asked his best friend Mike---who wasn't a member of the church---to investigate the church. Two days later, Shawn died. Mike, grief stricken and genuinely curious about the church called the missionaries that day and set up an appointment.

In other words, Mike is solid. He wants to know so much and tries hard to learn as much as possible. His wife is skeptical, but she'll come around. They are our only investigators at this point, however we are working on a system of finding that will hopefully prove to be fruitful.

In other news, I found out that both of my companions are delinquints, hahahaha. Elder Park blew up a 500 lb. slab of concrete because he's an idiot and Elder Church almost blew off his best friend's finger with a firecracker. They were telling me this stuff and it made my life look pretty clean, but not quite as fun.

I have sooooo much work to do. I know I'm not where I need to be spiritually, in fact, I spent most of my personal study time this morning studying about how to study, plan, and invite the spirit more effectively. There is not enough work going on in my apartment. I just don't know quite how to change that. I guess it is a matter of being a good example, because who am I to tell these guys how to preach the gospel, right? I guess I'm just frustrated, because we never get to do what we plan to do. In fact, I don't think we even try. Heaven knows I want to.

For all you future missionaries..... scratch that; for anyone desiring to become a future anything, let me give you the three keys to success in everything---especially missionary work: 1. Obedience. Always always ALWAYS be exactly obedient to what you are told to do. Even it means going to bed at 10:30 and not 10:31. The Lord blesses you according to your needs and your obedience to His commandments. 2. Work hard. unless you are doing everything that you can to find success, the Lord will not bless you with success. Approach everything with an attitude of believing. The Elders out here talk about people who should be baptized and I say, "So, let's go baptize them." to which they scoff and say, "Yeah right. Good luck with that." There is a flaw there. If that person has been prepared, if they are READY and SHOULD be baptized, then all it takes is hard work, and a belief that you can be the one to make the difference to be the difference. Stop giving up because it seems impossible. With God, all things are possible. (I'm a little passionate about that one) 3. Allow the Gospel of Jesus Christ to always change you. If you're not changing, you're not growing. If you're not growing, you're not learning. If you're not learning, you're not living. If you're not living, what's the point? God wants us to constantly change and grown into the people he knows we can be. So, find a vision for yourself. Who do you believe you are capable of becoming? What do you believe God thinks you can become? How can you achieve that vision? How can you become who you are DESTINED to be? What are you willing to do in order to become that? Do it. Change. If you do, God will bless you with a level of happiness not yet fully understood. See what I'm saying?

"We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude...Thomas Fuller, an English churchman and historian who lived in the 17th century, penned this truth: “He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.”4  Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities.  You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith...Have the determination to make the effort, the single-mindedness to work toward a worthy goal, and the courage not only to face the challenges that inevitably come but also to make a second effort, should such be required. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”" ---- Thomas S. Monson.

Anyway. I know that wasn't very much. What do you want to know?

I love you and please keep praying for all us missionaries, Heaven knows we need all we can get.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

MTC photos

Here In Canada -- 23 August 2012


I made it safely to Canada. Barely. Basically, it was an adventure. Today is not my P-day, but Mondays are. Just so you know.

Dad, can I get your protein recipe please?

Sounds like I won't need a bike until next year... most likely. It costs me about a dollar five to send mail. It takes 3 American stamps for you to send me mail. It takes about 3 weeks to get here. Also, packages are REALLY expensive to ship out here, so it might be easier to just load my card and have me buy whatever it is you wanted to send me. From what they told me, it costs an average of 60 dollars or more to send a package here.

I just got put in a threesome. I am with Elder Church from Boise, Idaho and Elder Park from Springville(?). They are both excellent Elders, but I've had a tough time these first couple of days. It's been nuts, and I don't know if I've said more than 10 words to my companions, cause they get pretty busy talking to each other. Anyway, it will be good.

I will fast and pray for Aunt Raneva.

I love you!

P.S.  Winter is coming, it's cold up here! Oh, and guess what?! I can drive!!! WHITCHICKABAM Also, Canada is beautiful. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. Also, let my friends know that I can't email them, but I can email you and you could give it to them???? Please? Thanks.

When I Have Grown A Foot or Two

Letter 21 August 2012

Dear Mom,

I suppose it's difficult to accurately depict what the MTC really is.  Or means, for that matter.

I guess in a way, it's the Lord's ultimate "boys to men" exercise.  The whole mission could be described that way.

1 Corinthians 13:11 says, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."     ~my perspective

"And now that my soul might have joy in you, and that my heart might leave this world with gladness because of you, that I might not be brought down with grief and sorrow to the grave, arise from the dust, my sons, and be men, and be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things, that ye may not come down into captivity."     ~God's perspective

Tonight, I got to see boys rise up and be men.  After a movie, (we watched "The Testaments") we came back to the residences and talked.  Some of the elders in our branch leave early in the morning, ones we have grown close to.  After just a few minutes we decided to sing.  Pretty soon we had everyone from 45C and 45F in one room singing hymns.  We sang "Ye Elders of Israel," "We'll Bring the World His Truth" (we are now the Lord's missionaries), and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again."  As we sang, on pitch, on key, with full harmony (which I didn't even know was possible at the MTC) we felt the power of God.  The spirit was so strong.  Everyone sang from their souls as if they had been awakened.

"Awake my sons!" was the Lord's cry (2 Ne. 2).  We...I could feel it through my own tears as well as through the tears of the other elders.  And we seemed to respond, "Awake my soul!  No longer droop in sin.  Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul...O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust thee forever." (2 Ne. 4)

As strong as the stripling warriors...I wish I had the words to describe it.  We were...ARE alive.  As if we are now His chosen sons.  Men who will carry families across frozen rivers.  Men who will build ships and cross oceans, trusting wholly upon the promise of someone we have never met, but we know.  Men who respond to the call for battle with, "Father, behold our God is with us, and He will not suffer that we should fall." (Alma 56)

For all who are wondering; Landon, Logan G., Logan F., and whoever else may be curious, or questioning, or having difficulty finding the desire, motivation, or faith to change and rise up to the Lord, I give these words:

"You will never, ever regret choosing to give up who you are.  You can never regret this experience...Prepare today to tell stories to your children tomorrow..."


"If you ever say, 'This [mission] isn't what it was supposed to be,' I say, 'Welcome to the big time.  Welcome to the church.  Welcome to lives of prophets and Apostles.  In fact, maybe you should talk to Christ, who knows quite a bit about cups that no one wants to drink, and paths no one wants to walk'...Missionary work is not easy because salvation is not cheap.  It was never easy for Jesus Christ." (Elder Holland MTC conference years ago)

Everyone.  Friends.  Boys.  Mom.

This church is true.  I know that because except by the power of God, there is no way that all these 19-year-old kids, including--if not especially--myself, could become men, servants of God, and Warriors of the Army of Helaman in 3 weeks.  It is true because of love.

Brotherhood.  With other men, and with the only brother who will never leave you broken, Jesus Christ.  It is true because I am different.  Because my life is different.

Because I am not last in the fold of my Messiah.

I love you all.  I hope you are all doing well, and I hope you will take a good look at Alma 7 and pray to your father.

I love you.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Letters from the MTC -- Rec'd 7 August 2012

Dear Mom & Dad,

This letter is to inform you that I am awake and alive.

I am about to unravel the mystery of the MTC, so pay close attention.

First, a host missionary greets you and takes you into the main mission office, where they issue you your tags, take your picture, give you an ID badge, and then your host takes you to your dorm.  You drop your stuff there & rush to your classroom (same classroom your whole stay) where you meet your district & go over MTC rules.  Then there is a meeting where all the members of the MTC presidency speak to you, and you sing with the other elders & sisters for the first time...

More on that later.

Following the meeting you eat an awesome dinner & then you go & teach investigators the gospel as a HUGE group of missionaries (out of the frying pan & into the fire).  Then, you are taught your routine, & you do study & hit the hay.

Here at the MTC, we sing songs a little differently.  For example:

We have been born as Nephi of old to goodly parents who love the Lord
We have been taught & we understand that we must do as the Lord commands.
We are as the Army of Helaman.  We have been taught in our youth
We are now the Lord's missionaries.  We'll bring the world his truth.

Did you catch it?

We are now the Lord's missionaries.


Power beyond belief.

The Gospel is true.

Don't miss it.

Question:  Why do Mormons focus so much on the Book of Mormon vs. the Bible?

I can't email until next Friday.  I'll write.

Love your son, brother, friend,

Elder Taylor Hill


Mom & Dad,

The MTC is INCREDIBLE! I didn't know I didn't know so much about the gospel.

I'm not sure what to say except thanks.  Tons of Elders don't have parents who support them.  They don't have family to write to, & they don't ever get garments, pillowcases or Snickers bars.  :)

Alma 56:47-48

I love you both with all of my heart.  At devotional the other night they challenged us "to be the missionaries your mothers think you are."  I raised my standard.  :)

Anyway, in case you missed it, I'm district leader, & I tell you what, it's a lot of work, but it's very rewarding.  My district is amazing.  There's one elder, Elder Child, who is an amazing artist.  I gave him a 5-minute challege and that is what he drew!

Crazy!  Everyone has talents that I'm super jealous of, but I read music better than the music major, Elder Kimber.  :) Thank Kelly for me, will you?

I'm writing in the hall & I can hear a few elders playing Battleship.  One of them just ripped a huge messy one and someone shouted, "Oh!  You sank my Battleship!"  They never change.  :)

Bascally, the church is true.  God is our father & He loves us so so much.  Jesus IS the Messiah.  The spirit has winessed it to me & I can't deny it.

Anything you want to hear about?

I should have a full camera by the time I'm done here.  Once I do, I'll send the card home.  Dad, some protein mix would be great & I need my teeth retainers.

Well, I love you both & I hope you still love me too.  :) can get me same day letters in the MTC for free & you can send snacks through them.  :)


Love your son,

Elder Taylor Hill

O Canada!

Canadia here I come! I'm ready to get oot of here. It's aboot time, eh?

Lies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the MTC. Looking back, I feel that I have not been all that positive about the things going on in here. The MTC has been the best experience of my life, which I have been lucky enough to share with my brothers.

So, Ashtyn, you know Jayne Starkie? Yeah, her older brother has been my teacher here at the MTC. He is an AMAZING teacher, which is a title I don't just hand out to anyone. He would come in the classroom, and within seconds, he has the spirit already changing our hearts. Frankly, it's incredible. Guess what, he never had a single door slammed in his face his whole mission long! WHAT!? When I grow up, I want to be like Brother Starkie.... and Jesus. And while we're listing off people we want to be like, I'm going to add Dad, God, and Ammon (cause Ammon is a stud, Dad is a superhero, and God is..... you know, God)

Question of the day, who is your favorite superhero? BOM hero? and what is your favorite parable in the Bible?

Elder Mafile'O and I have made HUGE strides in our teaching. Guess what?

I'll tell you, because over email, it would be a long guessing game.

Once upon a time (yup, I'm still using that cliche phrase), there was a woman by the name of Hely, whose husband started volunteering at the MTC so he could grow closer to God. Then, he started making Hely come, and she agreed, but hated that while she was there she couldn't be with her husband. So, one day, in stroll two missionaries who look just like the others. You know, good looking, well dressed, clean cut, and they each have a sparkle in their eyes that sets them apart from anyone she has ever met. But none of the others seemed to care about what they were doing. They would come in, spit out a lesson, and there was never even any time for her to even ask the questions she wanted to, so when these other elders walked in, Hely just shut down. Fortunately, these elders had their purpose in mind, and spent the entire lesson learning about Hely. The next lesson, she was eager to talk to these elders, and toward the end, she listened intently as they bore their witness of the divinity of the work that they were doing. The next time they came, she listened carefully, and shed tears as she learned of the sacrifice that her Savior had made in order to change her life. Then, she prayed to her Father, and the tears seemed to flow even more freely. Finally, the Elders came for the last time. This time, she was prepared. She had tissues and a letter written for them. She committed to praying every day and asked them questions about how she could continue to grow closer to her Savior.

Basically, we were crying and it was beautiful and wonderful and God was speaking to her heart. We got her information and are going to continue communicating with her. Maybe, someday, she will be baptized.


Anyway, dear everyone, serve missions.

Lots of Love,

Elder Tay-O

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hey Momma, Week 2 -- 13 August 2012

Alright, you know those days that just start out great, are kinda really awful in the middle, and end up amazing? That has been every day this week.

Basically, this week started out with a really, REALLY harsh rebuking from my teacher about how I have been inhibiting the spirit in the lessons and the growth of my companion. Ouch. The wonderful thing about the refiner's fire is that it has taught me not only to be patient, but how to change quickly. There is this quote that goes a little something like, "True doctrine, understood, can change attitudes and behaviors faster than a study of behavior can change behavior."

Basically, there has been a TON of change this week. It has almost been a little bit ludicrous how quickly the Lord has been helping me----and the other Elders in the district----to grow. I have really switched up my teaching style. We have been leaving more room in our lesson plans for the spirit, and not necessarily something scripted; after all, we aren't here to read people the lessons--that's what the pamphlets are for--but we are here to "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." So, to sum it up, it was a very up and down week which has (hopefully) humbled me enough so the spirit can speak through me.

Things with Elder M. and I have been better since the rebuking (not that they weren't good before). I think he is glad that Brother S. said what he did. (Want to know something funny? Brother S. is from West Jordan and I actually know his little sister!) I am glad he said what he said.  Our lessons have been going so much better than before. We have been teaching an investigator by the name of Miguel.  He has a Catholic background and has been taught by 4 different sets of missionaries in the past, but no one has been able to get him to commit to baptism.  But on Friday, after a week of very rapid improvement (courtesy of Brother S., Elder M., and the Godhead) we had an amazing lesson with him which was definitely led by the spirit. He prayed and committed to reading the Book of Mormon. We have another appointment with him tomorrow, and it is going to be amazing. He will be baptized.

So, confession time: basically, I have been a little proud, because before I entered the MTC I didn't really understand how important baptism was. Faith is the first and most important step, but it is useless unless it leads us to baptism, the saving ordinance that will allow us entrance into the Celestial Kingdom. Unless we take the opportunity in this life (some people don't get the chance and get it in the next life) we cannot enter into the kingdom of God and be exalted on high. So, if we want anyone to go to the Celestial Kingdom, they MUST be baptized and uphold their covenants. We talked a lot about temple ordinances and what it means if we don't uphold those covenants.  Basically, I am terrified for anyone who doesn't uphold their covenants.  Basically, it would be.... awful.

Elder M. is kinda a bad influence. Occasionally he swears, which is hilarious, because he doesn't mean to and he gets this face on like, =O after he realizes that he did.  But it makes it hard not to curse occasionally just to joke. I haven't done it, and I don't plan to, but that isn't to say that I haven't been tempted.

There is this guy----Elder, oops--- in our district by the name of Elder L., who just HAS to be right. You think I'm bad? No. I'm not. Don't fight me on it. ;) Not compared to his guy. He debates scripture with us all the time, and he applies a lot of doctrine which can come from the natural man. He has a hard time expressing a little faith, and instead will search the scriptures endlessly to clarify what he has just read.  It makes it difficult to  operate in class, because he won't let us move on until we are able to answer his question, clarify his scripture, or explain why it DOESN'T mean what he thinks it means. I swear, if people would just apply the following doctrine to everything they read, there would never EVER be misinterpretation of scripture: "God loves you and He WANTS you to live with Him." Oh and, "Exact obedience will merit blessings from the Lord."

Also, tell people to actually read all the way through the Book of Mormon, because it is so hard to teach someone when they won't read the doctrine. It's right there. RIGHT THERE! Are Mormons Christians? I don't know, read the Book of Mormon and find out! Do Mormons have horns? I don't know, read the Book of Mormon and find out. 2 Nephi 25:26. Proverbs 3:5-6.

Speaking of 2 Nephi 25:26 yesterday, Elder M. and I had our accountability interview with Brother B. (the second counselor in our branch presidency). He had us do a role play with him, and he gave us the scenario and had us teach him right then and there. So, Elder M. and I turned to the exact same scripture (listed above) and NAILED that interview. It was beautiful. We needed to set up an appointment, but for only two weeks in the MTC, not bad.

There is this saying that goes a little something like, "In the MTC, weeks go like days, and days go like weeks." Basically, I spend 6 hours a day in class, and I can tell you that it only feels like 6 minutes. This has been the fastest 2 weeks of my life, filled with all kinds of adventures.

Please tell everyone that if they want to reach me in the MTC to just send me mail using cause it's free and it  is same day delivery. Also, I am not allowed to respond to emails from friends in the MTC.

Well, Momma, I love you soo soooo soooooooooo sooooooooooooo much. I got one of those shirts from the MTC bookstore "Stripling Warriors are Momma's Boys." I got it because I thought it was an effective way to bear testimony without saying anything.  It's true.  I'm no stripling warrior, and I'm not even humble.... I'm not even much. I feel a little like I put on a new face every day: a face of confidence because, in reality, I am so scared that I might let Heavenly Father down.... I just want to be His best servant. I want to show Him that I love Him and His children with all of my heart.... I feel so inadequate.... but I love Him and sometimes that is the only reason I can find to wake up in the morning. With His help, I can do this. I am scared, but I am so amazed by everything He has done for me.

I love my Father, Mom.

I love you.

Tell Dad and Landon and Ash that I love them, too, and that they should serve missions, because it will change their lives.

Have a good week.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Taylor's addresses (for now)

Elder Taylor Jon Hill
MTC Mailbox #138
CAN-CAL 0821
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT  84604-1793

Canada Calgary Mission
7044 Farrell Rd. SE
Calgary AB T2H 0T2

MTC email -- 6 August 2012

First of all, this is what I sent Briana.

First of all, relax, Sister Hill :) My comp is like, why on earth is she freaking out?

Anyway, a lot of people told me what I should expect when I came. You should have seen me on the ride over... I was so nervous that I forgot how to breathe. The reality was finally setting in. All of a sudden I was in the MTC and since then I have not had a single minute to try to remember how to breathe. I even forgot about cars. Forgot. About. Cars. Then we did the temple walk, and I was like..... I forgot how beautiful the world was. The other elders in my district laughed and agreed. We hadn't seen a single car for 5 days. What?

Anyway, for me, the first 5 days flew by. My district hasn't had any conflicts, which is a total blessing. Mostly, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I love my comp, his name is Elder Mafile'O (like you would pronounce it in spanish, but it's Tongan).  He is from San Jose California and he is one of the nicest guys on earth. He is pretty relaxed, kinda like me, and he is a hard worker. He has a super strong testimony, and it makes me want to be better.

The Church is a seriously small world. For example, my companion is related to everyone here who has brown skin. Also, everyone has a relative or friend who has lived in Calgary. I had forgotten all about Canada until I was called there.

I don't know, it's been wonderful, that's for sure. I'm learning the lessons and I have lesson one down, and the baptisimal challenge... you know, I don't think anyone is going to be able to logic their way out of the Lord getting them baptised. No way, no how. ;)

My district is awesome. All elders, no sisters. I have Brother Starkie and Sister Christensen (they are both INCREDIBLE). I didn't expect so many Elder and Sisters here. They told us that we currently have the highest amount of missionaries EVER in the MTC -- 2450 missionaries. And also the most sisters ever. Crazy, right?

Sunday was pretty good, it wasn't my favorite day of the week, but it was good. I had A TON of meetings because I am the district leader. I can't even imagine being a Branch President, because I know a lot of people say that the district leaders here at the MTC don't have a lot of responsibility. I say those people are high. I am interviewing the Elders one-on-one every day for the next week, I am in charge of reminding them about what we need to study for the next day. Room inspections every morning, setting up devotionals, making sure everyone gets a seat at lunch with us, and I'm supposed to be an example of perfection. It's tough stuff, but I can handle it with the help of the Lord. He has definitely been in my life a lot.

I am so blessed to be able to laugh and have a good time all the time with my comp and the other Elders in my district. It has been a beautiful experience.

Well, I've been writing you for about 15 minutes, so I had better write Mom now. :D Anyway, I hope things are going well in North Vernon, and I know the Lord will put you where you can be the most useful on your next transfer.

I love you, Bri. Thanks for being a great example.



Life here at the MTC is incredible. Honestly, I have never been more scared in my life than when I entered the MTC. It is the best kept secret in the church, because I had no idea what was going to happen when they pushed me through those doors, however, God has blessed my life greatly since I've been here.

I have seen many friends here. Elder Madsen, Elder Fulton, Sister Scott, Elder Hogan, and lots of other people. I have made a lot of friends and I hope that that continues.

Please tell Chris that there is a letter on the way home that he needs to read, because it is all about day 1 in the MTC. It scared the heck out of me, but I got through, and actually have loved every single minute of it. The MTC has been such a huge blessing in my life and in the lives of the other Elders. All of a sudden, you walk in those doors and it doesn't matter any more who you were before you were set apart. It doesn't matter that you aren't perfect, it doesn't matter that you aren't rich, it doesn't matter that you aren't good at sports, video games, singing, or anything else. You're life now has a purpose to it which is accompanied by a determination that I have never felt before. I want so badly to be closer to my Heavely Father. He has been my rock and has helped me to feel His love.

I don't pass a single day without shedding a tear or two, and not for the regular reasons. Every day, I feel so overcome with love for my Savior, and gratitude for the love which He has shown me. There are times when I wish I could stand at the top of a tall wall, and at the top of my lungs, declare the gospel. I love my God.

I'm the district leader. I will tell you about an experience and then my 30 minutes are up.

Two days ago I was doing a role play with Elder Kimber (an Elder in my district) and he was acting really skittish and he wouldn't look in my eyes. He can be a little socially awkward and has really been struggling in the past few days. So, I stopped him and I asked him to bear his testimony to me. He did, and I broke into tears. I testified to him that I knew that God knew him. I testified of his spirit and of God's power to make the weak and simple confound the wise. I told him that I knew he had a testimony and that I loved him. He restarted the role play with a renewed confidence.

The church is true.
I love you so much, Mom.
See you in two.